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just a quick question. i'm buying a 430ez or a 550ex speedlite flash this

weekend. just wanting to know what accessories are absolutely needed for me to

be able to mount this to my canon rebel xt in order to be able to start

enjoying it. i want to be informed so the sales person doesnt pressure me into

buying something that is not needed right at this moment. so i guess i'm

wanting to know if when i'm checking out to i have to purchase the

transmitter, shoe adapter, connecting cord, etc. at the same time. i know that

these will enhance my speedlite experience, but i can only do 1 step at a

time. thanks alot.

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Hi Danielle,


Hopefully you mean a 430EX (not "EZ"). I don't recall a 430EZ model, but if there is, you don't want it. Only the later EX models will give full ETTL with your camera.


I'd suggest you get a flash bracket and off cameras shoe cord, too. The OCSC2 will work fine, you don't need the more expensive, new OCSC3. (It just has slightly improved weather sealing to match the 580EX flash, but lists for about 50% more.)


Using a flash bracket to position the flash off to the side and higher will do two important things. First, it reduces the chance of redeye (although it's still possible, especially with longer telephoto lenses). Second, it usually throws the subject's shadow down behind them, where it won't be distracting.


Actually there are third and fourth possible benefits to using a flash bracket: One is that it gives you an additional way to hold the rig steady. Plus, not mounting a flash in the camera's hot shoe helps prevent torque/twist damage to the top of the camera, which can occur when a shoe-mounted flash gets bumped.


I would get nothing else for now. You can do an awful lot with just these two accessories. Take lot's of shots with your new rig, learn to use it, then see what you feel you really need after that.


I use flashes for about 80 or 90% of my commercial shots, usually for fill. I very seldom use any additional accessories. Over the years I've tried many. Most are just gathering dust in my equipment cabinet now. One exception is a tele-extender, used to increase flash reach with lenses longer than 300mm and used at a distance. But, that's a pretty specialized item that I happen to need, but many other folks wouldn't.


Well, maybe one more thing: Get plenty of extra batteries!

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You don't really need a flash bracket to get started, but a flash bracket does increase the distance between the lens and flash. This results in more natural-looking light - shadows point downward more.


If you do get a flash bracket I suggest one that flips, such that the flash stays above (not to the side) for portrait-oriented shots. You can also fit a bigger mini-softbox on a bracket, compared to the flash attached to the hotshoe.


I have a 550EX, and with a flash bracket and a light camera (mine is a 400D) you can end up with an awkward tippy setup. Try and assemble the rig in the store if you can to see if you like it. A 430EX attached directly to the hotshoe gives better weight balance for a small camera. But - less separation between lens and flash.

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