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Dual card backups, why not in the crop sizes?

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I got a D3 and love it. But the weight is more than I like. I kinda knew it was

too much from the 1D series cams I've had, but thought maybe I would get over it

for the excellent camera that the D3 is. Not so, so off to the block for this one.



I just wonder if anyone else is frustrated at the lack of a backup (second card

slot) in the lighter DSLR's, or is it just me thinking this is a must for us

wedding shooters?

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Off to the block? I'd vote for: off to the store for some 10-pound barbells and 10 minutes of curls every other night while watching the news. Any other DSLR you can own right now is going to be such a big step down, in so many ways, that I'd see about living with the mass for a bit longer, and putting on little more shoulder/bicep (which is so good for you anyway!).
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"I just wonder if anyone else is frustrated at the lack of a backup (second card slot) in the lighter DSLR's, or is it just me thinking this is a must for us wedding shooters?"


I'd suggest that the 2nd card slot is a feature designed to differentiate a professional (and thus more costly) instrument from the "pro-sumer" line. Already features from the 1D3 have "make their way down" (3" scrren, 14 bit A/D, Liveview, Digic III) - they have to differentiate the 1D series somehow.

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As the features you want don't exist for the prices you are willing to pay (weight being a "price") your only options are:


1) a portable storage device


2) an assistant


Given the battery life on the Hyperdrive, it seems like it would be a no-brainer. But that's my view from the sidelines.

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