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well, i have this old camera see...


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Hi there,


I have come into possession of an old Leica camera (from a cousin who died

recently) and I have no idea what it is worth, if anything. The stats are

below, and I would appreciate any feedback you guys can give.



On the top of the camera, next to the hotshoe, is the following:




Enst Leitz





Nr. 643904


It is an SLR (obviously) with a black body and silver top and bottom.


Again, any info would be greatly appreciated!!





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LOLOL OK, so maybe it isn't an SLR. You're right - it has a viewfinder. But the apeture scale threw me for a minute. And the "hotshoe" is actually listed as an "accessory clip" in the manual.


Sorry for the confusion. It is a IIIf, the booklet identifies it as such, but then states that the specific model depends on the features the camera has.


I will try to post some pictures soon.


And you should know - I am a Leica newbie - I know nothing about them. So be patient please! :)



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Doug has an excellent point.


The value will depend on the condition of the camera as well as what lens it has. You can get somewhat of an idea of the value by checking the prices of similar items sold on eBay. Dealers that advertize in Shutterbug often have old Leicas, but their prices are a bit high. If you want to sell it post some pictures here and you may get a reasonable estimate. You can also post it for sale here.

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I cannot believe the response from this community, with a few exceptions. If this is how you treat everyone who comes here for information or to learn, I can imagine that the number of such members is quite low. Or perhaps you WANT to keep those you deem "beneath you" out of your community and so are just rude right from the start. Whatever the reason or motivation, if this behavior is indicative of the "Leica" community, I am glad I am ignorant, and choose to remain so.



Mr. Feuser, Mr. Herr, and Mr. Boyle - thank you for your assistance.

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My condolences about your cousin and it was very kindly they left you the camera. The camera's value also depends on the lens. As someone said, post some pictures and we can help you better. If you intend to keep it for taking pictures, a CLA (clean, lubricate, and adjust) will be a good idea. I'm not familiar with Leicas of that vintage but I know they are capable of taking very high quality pictures once you learn the basics of using them. You are fortunate to have a manual for it.
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Cody, despite the adverse responses, you have found the best place on the web for old Leica information. Depending on condition, the Leica IIIf and lens remain capable of taking excellent photographs. A "CLA" (Cleaning, Lubricating and Adjusting) is a good idea, especially if you intend to use your camera. The Forum archives(see Leica LTM) have good information regarding lenses, repairs, film, etc. In closing, your IIIf and whatever lens you have were built to the same standards as a fine mechanical watch. Fortunately, there are still skillled repair technicians that have the parts, skills and experience to return your camera to as new operating condition. Don't worry about the cosmetics, after all it is 55 years old. Take a look at the various "pictures of the week" for examples of Leica capability. Ignore the gruff responses, the good guys are here to help the "newbies". Welcome.
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c'mon Cody...you state the thing is "obviously" and SLR.


Of course people are going to assume you are a 'newbie'...and no one said anything that wasn't in jest...that's what the little happy faces they put in their posts mean (you should know...you used them yourself).


Don't claim you "obviously" know what things are when in fact you're not sure...just makes you look kinda dorky when you get all upset when you're mistake is pointed out.

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'It is a IIIf, the booklet identifies it as such, but then states that the specific model depends on the features the camera has.'


Probably it's a generic booklet/manual that covers all the models (the IIIf was the top of the range when it came out). If you don't have the full manual it's here:




and the differences between models are covered in the section that starts here:




If you're going to use the camera, note that the film leader should be trimmed before use as described here:



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Ok Cody Mae, there were three different flavors of the IIIf: "black dial" and "red dial", this last with or without selftimer. "Black dials" ended in number 611000, so yours must be a "red dial" and according to its number, that batch didn't have selftimer incorporated. That's the best guess without having a picture. This information was taken from the "Leica Pocket Book" from Hove Books (highly recommended).
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Cody Mae, your Leica No. 643904 -- as already identified -- is a IIIf from 1952-1953...You can check what it's worth by looking at the completed listings on Ebay...


Depending on the condition of the camera, whether it has any dents, dings, fungus, damage, light leaks, bad shutter, etc., the body [without the lens, without the case, without any accessories] might be worth anywhere between, say, $200 and $350-$400...


The lens, depending which one or ones you have, with the same condition issues, might be worth anywhere between $100 and $250-$350... The case, depending on condition, might be worth $5 to $20 or more...Accessories depending on what they are...caps, filters, hoods, etc...Each one is valuable...Leica literature, instruction books, manuals, are all valuable...If it says Leica or Leitz it's valuable...


We're in a recession but Leica enthusiasts are always stretching their budgets to by this stuff...Don't fret because a few of them do what they do...Most of the Leica users/collectors, etc., are kind, helpful people and welcome a chance to help...


also, keep in mind that your Leica is over 50 years old and should go to a repair person for a thorough cleaning, lubrication and adjustment and can cost between $150 and $300, depending on what's done to just the body...The lens would be extra...That also has an effect on the selling price...


I hope some of this helps...[were were all newbies at one time or another]...

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I don't get why the forums have to be so un-civil. A guy asks a question, makes a little mistake, asks for some education, and people jump all over him. He's asking for help for goodness sake. This is why I almost didn't renew with pnet last month... all the arrogance and belittling of members. It's like being in High School again.
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Man...you guys are way too thin skinned.


Look at the responses to Cody upto the point he gets his shorts in a knot:


Marcello states that 'obviously' the camera Cody claims is an SLR (obviously)...isn't.


Manfred asks for a photo of the camera (gee, that is pretty inflammatory).


Sheldon jokes about those brought up on digi p&s...the smiley face...that means he's joking folks.


Mark (laughing out loud) comments that SLR and rangefinders have viewfinders (duhhh)


Jim askes why Cody identified the camera as an SLR yet claims he knows the difference. A question...yup, that's kinda rude...I guess.


Doug...always very polite...he is a true gentleman...and I sincerely mean this


John tries to help.


And finally Cody is all upset because people noticed his error.


In my opinion...at this point all Cody needed to say was 'gee, I goofed...not tell everybody how rude they were to say...'hey, you made a mistake'.

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Jeff...first, nothing was really rude or anything else. Ya know what...not everything in this world is sugarcoated, and if someone gets this bent over the innoculous comments made in the opening quotes...well I hope they never have to give an university dissertation or the like.


But also it's the victim mentallity so pervasive in todays society.


Nope...couldn't just say 'opps, I guess I goofed'...nope, had to go on his little tirade about how rude we all are.


I've been here a long time...if I was this thin skinned I'd have been gone long ago...and missed out on a wealth of knowledge and entertainment.


His loss as far as I'm concerned.


Seems you're just sore 'cause you got dumped on by a clerk who knew more than you did.

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