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Street photography and fine arts, I need to find some spot in between.


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<I>"No doubt projection on that characterization..."</I>


Your probably right.


<I>"- I'm all ears on above specifics."</I>


Like I said, I'm a little short on SP demographics, but we could start with you and me: can I assume both white and middle aged?


(no offense intended if you turn out to be a 13-yo Korean girl)

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><i>Like I said, I'm a little short on SP demographics, but we could start with you and me:

can I assume both white and middle aged?


<P>(no offense intended if you turn out to be a 13-yo Korean girl)</i>


<P>SP, here's <a href=http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00O8HX>a


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Eugene I like your HD nite shots, though for you the medium is the message. They exhibit no more or less interest or context or purpose than any other common street photograph. They are lovely for me though because of your interest in light and the mood and quality that brings in. Something many of us share. And you do raise the debate a bit. But its amusing how you like to fit people into these convenient little mental boxes. The sort of mind set of kids who play on the internet all day or spend their time playing computer games. You probably fall off to sleep thinking you're Socrates or someone. Feelin strong and good bout yourself.


Personally I believe, and I think several would, that its not really about a genre of photography, its really about self-exploration. Every so called "original" artist became so because they found an interest and followed its path and worked hard to go where the journey lead. It is about the work, not being a this or a that. I leave those distinctions for those that have some stake in it. And I don't get why that you think less of artist that put their work up for sale and then tout the credentials of some guy who's site is totally bout selling product. <scratch head in confusion>


And then Orville's sux because of the buttons?? Dude..

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<p>> <i>Eugene I like your HD nite shots, though for you the medium is the message.

They exhibit no more or less interest or context or purpose than any other common street

photograph. </i></p>


<p>You're exactly right, which is why I'm not going to bring them in a portfolio to any

gallery or show. These are personal shots and they were about self-exploration you love to

talk about. However, they're not serious photography, and I do not plan to continue that



<p>> <i>Personally I believe, and I think several would, that its not really about a genre

of photography, its really about self-exploration.</i></p>


<p>Yadda yadda. If your photography is about self-exploration, why do you show it to

other people?</p>


<p>> <i>I don't get why that you think less of artist that put their work up for sale and

then tout the credentials of some guy who's site is totally bout selling product.</i></p>


<p>Because I have a certain experience which comes from viewing established artists'

portfolios. You don't, apparently.</p>



<p>> <i>And then Orville's sux because of the buttons?</i></p>


<p>Yes, and it is amazing to me that people here just "don't see it." Must be a sad bunch

of folks.</p>

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<p>> <i>Robert in Worcester, Eugene in Agawam, and me in Providence, all within 80 miles

of each other, all up at 2:00 in the morning, and not one of us at a bar, we should be



<p>No, I'm not in Agawam, I'm in Boston area. Let's meet at Monk's Cafe one day. Thx for

recommending it, BTW, they have awesome pale Belgian beer.</p>

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"...they were about self-exploration you to to talk about. . ."


Actually, I've never talked about that here ever except this one time..so why are you putting words in my mouth? Is it as I suggested before, you need to pigeonhole people and define them in your terms so you can then argue with your projected image of them? This isn't really a discussion, its more of a Karl Rovian tactic. It seems pretty dishonest to me, but if you need to do that go ahead, just realize its your image devoid of much reality.


And your HDR photos are not about self-exploration at all. They were you trying to learn a technique, which is good, but don't confuse the two.


"why show it to other people".


Why not...self-exploration doesn't happen or live in a vacuum. If you were serious about yours, you would understand that.


"Because I have a certain experience which comes from viewing established artists' portfolios. You don't, apparently.


You miss the point, I don't do regular portfolio view, but I have seen photographer friends portfolios when looking to get into various photography schools and a couple of fashion photographers and commercial guys looking for gigs.


A website is not a portfolio generally. Yes, an establish artist/photographer, does not sell out of a portfolio, but every "established" professional sells their work, these days usually off a website.


I'm surprised you didn't know that.


"Yes, and it is amazing to me that people here just "don't see it." Must be a sad bunch of folks."


Well, I just went and looked at Orville's site. There is some pretty nice pics there and that is what's important at least to me.


But Orville, he's right..those little mac buttons sux!! :)



"While we're at it, let's talk about the high suck factor of the grainy/high contrast/Moriyama/Klein-style wannabe digi pix that pass for high art 'round here."


Its really no different than over saturated color digi pictures with the contrast pumped up to give them a psuedo edgy feel or fake cross-processed look that I see all over the web. ...but whatever turns you on.

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Andy, if you want to have some involved discussion and critique, don't you think it would

make a lot more sense if you and Eugene were involved on a regular basis here, posting

street or docu pics, instead of doing a drive-by? I think some of the negative reaction is

coming because Eugene hasn't done that, he's just sort of dropped in lately and lit fires.

But if he wants to get into it, pics like what he's posted above should certainly be open to

criticism. Fair is fair.


You see, it's a fine line to walk between criticizing people's work and being honest about

it, and trying to remain friends and being civil to people. If we could all find an agreeable

way to talk about these things, I'd be all for it.


I don't see anyone here who hasn't posted crap at one time or another, or anyone who has

a corner on what's legit and what's not.

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Glad to see everyone survived the night.


<I>"I'm in Boston area. Let's meet at Monk's Cafe one day...the one in Philly"</I>


Eugene, I'll be down again teaching my liver who's boss on 3/14-3/16, please feel welcome to join us, I promise a pub crawl you won't remember. In the mean time please tell me you've been over to <a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/2247/?view=beerfly">The

Public House</a> in Brookline?


<I>"While we're at it, let's talk about the high suck factor of the grainy/high contrast/Moriyama/Klein-style wannabe digi pix that pass for high art 'round here."</I>


Damn Andy what's next, my sister is ugly? You're killing me, I'm such a sucker for <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mexad/sets/72157600498924816/show/">that stuff</a>.

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<I>"...it's a fine line to walk between criticizing people's work and being honest about it, and trying to remain friends and being civil to people."</I>


Just to be clear, I want the brutal truth. I'd rather stand behind someone looking at my work and hear them say is derivative shite, than have them look me in the eye and toss off some ambiguous nonsense because they worry about protecting my frail ego.


Because we're not really friends you owe me the truth, straight up.

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"Just to be clear, I want the brutal truth. I'd rather stand behind someone looking at my work and hear them say is derivative shite, than have them look me in the eye and toss off some ambiguous nonsense because they worry about protecting my frail ego."


Me too. I'd rather be uncomfortable with the truth than comfortable with a lie.

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"Just to be clear, I want the brutal truth. I'd rather stand behind someone looking at my work and hear them say is derivative shite, than have them look me in the eye and toss off some ambiguous nonsense because they worry about protecting my frail ego."



Sure, there's truth, there's brutal truth, and then there's just brutal.


Truth is never brutal. It only becomes that way when delivered brutally.

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