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How many 5/5 or higher average photogs are on P'net?


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Every time I look around on P'net I find the work of photographers whom I was

previously unaware of that I like a lot. I'm curious how many people here have

an average rating of 5/5 or higher? Must be a couple of hundred at least.

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In my opinion you can't really judge a persons photos just from their average rating, especially when it comes to the originality rating. For some reason, the more popular a photo is, the higher the originality rating gets.


Sure, someone can get a perfect shot of a bird, beautiful beyond the limits of imagination, but most photos of birds aren't that original, yet they recieve ratings of 6 or 7.


Just my 2 cents, let the bashing begin.

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I want to find these photos of birds that are getting the 6 or 7's that every one seems to be

talking about. My two didn't receive those marks (not that they should have) except from one

person who I think gave the rating more for the title then the photo (again I'm not

complaining). Either way there are a lot of great portfolios that I have found in a similar

fashion as Dave has.

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Chuck the answer to your question is probably: Many! But that is not why PN is a

wonderful place to wander around to learn and admire. I think we have all found wonderful

portfolios with averages below 5/5 and uninteresting portfolios far beyond 5/5. There are

many reasons for this but one of them is related to the relative lack of guidelines for how

to rate. In my opinion, very few have actually read the guidelines <a

href="http://www.photo.net/gallery/photocritique/standards/">(here)</a> and those that

have, don't get much guidance from reading them. The result is that most raters rate

easthetics and originality with equal numbers: 3/3s, 4/4s, 5/5s etc and seem to react to

the thumb-rule on whether a photo at a glance "attracts/holds attention" because "I like

it" or because "you have not seen anything like it before". Another reason for finding

uninteresting portfolio far beyond 5/5 is that hundreds of photos of the same bird, each

rated 6/6 becomes rapidly boring (3/3) when seen together in a portfolio.

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Ton and John I do too and I have abandoned asking for rating and doing them altogether.

That does however not change the fact the the rating system is the central tool of orientation

on PN. All we that do not participate are happy marginals survivors;

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