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Which color calibration product to buy?

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I want to improve my color control and have several LCDs and a laptop to

calibrate. I've been reading about the Huey PRO, Xrite Eye-One Display LT and

the Spyder3Pro products......and I'm confused as to which one I should

purchase. Perhaps there are other products out there that I should consider

too. Based on what I read, the Spyder3Pro seems very good, but perhaps a

little more difficult to set up and use. Any advice and feedback from those

with experience would be greatly appreciated.

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I used Spyder with just factory downloaded Epson paper profiles, not perfect but v v good for me .. that I arn't gonna buy printer custom profiles.


Spyder got mine for like $60 or 80.


Thom Hogan had a article on it .. he says any will be def big jump of improvement and the most $$ ones are only minor improvements over the cheap ones.

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