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5d or wait for the new one?


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I am not familiar with all the photo shows, and expos, but i vaguely recall that Canon seems to put out

new camera around feb and march. I think recent rebates on the 5d also lean towards that idea.


Question is, any idea if canon is going to replace the 5d and when?


ps - let the kneejerk flaming begin.

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Courtesy of dpreview.com; "Pre-PMA 2008: In a surprise move Sony today announced its entry into the rapidly-expanding 24x36mm imaging sensor market with its own 24.81 megapixel CMOS offering. Joining Canon and Nikon in the full-frame market, this new chip promises to output all pixels at 6.3 fps with lower noise than other designs of similar pixel-pitch thanks to its ?Column-Parallel A/D Conversion Technique? whereby each column of photosites is given its own Analogue to Digital Converter. The ADCs themselves are 12-bit, flying in the face of current trends which are toward 14-bit devices but the combination of speed, dynamic range and sheer resolving power displayed by this sensor make it one to watch for when Sony puts into full production hopefully before the year is out."


Perhaps you should wait and see how Canon is going to respond by years end?

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Why is it an either-or question? Why not buy it now (like I did) and then sell it when the upgrade comes out (like I probably will)? There will be no shortage of buyers. Think of it--while a lot of the people on this forum are looking for the latest and greatest because they shoot professionally, the average photographer enthusiast has trouble affording a camera that costs $2,200. If you come along and sell yours in one year at a haircut, it will still be somebody's dream camera, at a price that they can afford.
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If you have no camera now and need full frame now, the 5D is a fine camera for many



If you have another decent camera now and/or are not in a particular hurry you will have

to figure out the cost/benefit between waiting for something in the future vs. having a 5D



There are good deals on the 5D at this time. An equivalent new camera from Canon will

likely cost closer to the original 5D list price - just above $3000.


Sorry, but there are no solid answers to this question.


Take care,



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"Perhaps you should wait and see how Canon is going to respond by years end?"


Isn't the Sony simply a belated response to the EOS 1Ds III? They both have more MP than

most mere mortals need. It would take total destruction of Canon and Nikon for Sony to

make serious inroads to FF pro territory. Nobody's gonna toss all that glass otherwise.


Now a 12 or 16MP FF Sony at a "budget" price could entice lots of amateurs with small investments and less demanding glass needs.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Well after nearly 3 years, I just got my 5D today. The price was just under $2,000 and just the fact it is a full frame sensor will keep the resale value reasonably high. I'm not going to worry about the 5DII because this is a great camera as it is. It's image quality is a noticeable improvement from the 1D IIN.
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"Now a 12 or 16MP FF Sony at a 'budget' price could entice lots of amateurs..."


But that would compete with the Nikon D3, to whom Sony wants to continue selling full frame and APS-C CMOS sensors for many years to come. There might be some sort of "non-compete" agreement between Sony and Nikon, too, since they are in bed together. If nothing else, there might be a verbal or even unspoken agreement.


In fact, perhaps this is why the D3 was made a 12MP camera instead of a much higher resolution to more directly compete with 1Ds MkII/III. Nikon knew Sony's plans, and vice versa.


Yes, Rue, Canon does tend to announce a new camera just prior to PMA, which is always held about this time each year. Last week Canon announced a new Rebel XTS/450D. A lot of folks thought they'd hear something about a new 5D, but it hasn't happened. Eventually it will be announced, but only Canon themselves might know when, where and what the new camera will feature. Until then, it's all just guesses for the rest of us.


After the past year, I wouldn't be surprised if Canon went back to the drawing board with a couple products they'd planned to have announced by now. The leader of the pack always seems to have a big target painted on their back. That's something Canon has learned the hard way over the past year.


Competition is a good thing for us photographers. Sony and Nikon might put pressure on Canon to push themselves a bit harder, to listen closer to what their customers are asking for, to find ways to keep prices in check and to get more aggressive in some areas they might have been a bit lax about while enjoying a market lead that's started to evaporate lately.


Do you need a camera to shoot with? Got Canon glass to use on it? There are a bunch of good current models on store shelves that take great photos!

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I bought my 20D just before they came out with the 30D, which was then obsoleted by the 40D. The 5D must be ripe for some upgrade. I would like to go full frame and have my wide angle lenses to be wide angle lenses again, but since I have a decent rig I can afford to wait a few months. When I bought the 20D I did feel a little burned when I saw the better display and other features of the 30D. So I can wait a little. That said, I would not want to be one of the first purchasers of a brand new camera either. I don't want to be diagnosing their bugs and posting on blogs to resolve problems. So for now I wait. At least I am still able to shoot.
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I also took advantage of the Canon Canada double rebate program (5D and 430EX). At $1700, with no new full frame in sight, I couldn't pass it up. I also own a 40D, which will also see lots of use on the tele end, but even the 5D's viewfinder convinced me I'd made a good purchase.


I miss the 40D's large LCD, live view, 6.5fps, etc., but having my lenses work at their proper focal lengths and having a nice big bright viewfinder makes it worth it to me. I don't have any problems with the AF speed or accuracy with respect to to the 40D, and I am extremely pleased with the image quality.

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Get the 5D. I work in an industry where it's not often advisable to go for the latest and greatest, otherwise you might be ironing out their bugs for them. The 5D has been tried and tested, firmware has been tweaked and image quality honed. I don't think you'd regret it at all. I have a 400D and I'm definitely gunning for a 5D sometime soon. I tried one out at a shop a couple of years back (was waaay too expensive then!) and it's superb.
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I have a 5D, and to be honest it does everything I need it to, i.e an 11"x18" print almost straight out of the camera. The only bugbear that I have with the thing is weather-proofing, it ain't got none!


The quality of the images is very good, getting close to medium format, so my advice (humble) is get hold of one for a sale price (the prices will drop like Brittany's knickers if a new replacement is imminent)and invest in an umbrella.

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I bought my 5D with a 24-105mm L at the end of 2006 with a $700 total rebate. If I had

waited until now I may be able have save a little more, but the photos that I captured this

year makes that small differences worthwhile. I would say if you need it, get it.

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