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LAB color or not?...

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Im curious as to how anyone could make that assumption... LAB color is another way to formulate the same colors as different numbers in an image, not specifically a way to change color. Its best, for me, to use when changing exposure without changing the color balance, but not to achieve a specific effect. Am I missing something?
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Anthony, thanks for your very mature opinion on this.


Jeff, perhaps my response was too quick. I'd like to think I'm pretty good with LR and ACR (not on Andrew's level)and I just can't see how this look is achieved by RAW adjustments alone. Especially after seeing a video on the effect and breaking down the action. There's just too many steps performed in PS. Not to say that just because I can't, than no one can. If Andrew would like to post his suggestions, I'd certainly would be open to seeing his technique.

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I never mentioned Lab. It was the OP that mentioned Lab. I stated that it couldn't be done in LR or Raw and after watching the tutorial video again, I stand by my statement. There are several layer masks and blend modes that are employed to achieve this look which simply is not available in LR or ACR.
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"Anthony, thanks for your very mature opinion on this."


> I would not characterize it as mature or immature -- simply pithy. I think the colors are overdone and frankly don't appeal to my eyes. Too much blue in many places and generally oversaturated, uneven skin tones from one shot to another, and just not my cup of tea. I would never waste my time trying to replicate the results, but there's no accounting for taste (mine included).

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>I stated that it couldn't be done in LR or Raw and after watching the tutorial video again,

I stand by my statement.


Well the URL doesn't work for one without a password and log in. So I'm unable to

comment on the "effect".


Next, I assume you tried a similar approach in Lightroom?


Lastly, just because it took all kinds of hoops in Photoshop in no way, by itself means it

can't be done at the rendering stage IF we're referring to global corrections (as we all

know, most Raw converters don't do selective work).

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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Yes, I have tried in LR and ACR to no avail. That doesn't mean it can't be done by someone else. If you think you can do it, please try. I'd be interested in seeing your results. That sounded a bit rude, but that's not my intention. I'm genuinely interested in knowing if it can be done in LR or Raw.
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Without the Raw file in question, we'd need some ground rules for one.


Who's to say that pumping up selective color saturation and using vibrance would or

would not produce a similar effect? If you had the Raw's, we could really try to mimic the

effect. Otherwise, who to see a preset does or doesn't work?


And what about multiple renderings placed as Smart Objects and then blended? Would

that be fair?


I suspect, as I said from the beginning that one could produce a very similar effect in ACR

or LR. Identical? Without the same Raw, who knows.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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