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OK to wash equipment with soap?

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Here is a newbie question for you. I am about to process my first film in 40

years. I can't remember, is it ok to wash the tanks with soap? Or is that the

goldfish tank? Anyway, help would be appreciated.


Also, can I put one 120 reel in the tank that holds two 35mm reels? I assume I

can just do one film in each tank, using the second reel empty as a spacer.

Should the developer just cover the reel with the film in it on the bottom? And

can I mix 120 film reels and 35mm reels in the same tank?


Thank you.



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1) I would not use soap in a developing tank. Soap contains alkalis and such that could throw off the balance of the developer or fixer or both. If it's so filthy it needs soap to come clean, throw out the tank and replace it. 2) You can develop any combination of 35mm and 120 in the tank that you want as long as they fit. In other words, in a two reel tank you can have two reels of 35mm, one reel plus an empty (just to keep the other one from banging around) or one roll of 120.
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<p>If you washed the soap out really, really well, it would probably be OK, although all I've ever used is warm water and a (previously unused) dish sponge.

<p>Many tanks are specifically designed to hold 1 120 or 2 35mm rolls, that is fine.

<p>You are correct in assuming you should use the second roll as a spacer, to keep the first reel from bouncing around too much.. I usually fill the tank all the way up even when I am only developing one roll, just to keep the developer from sloshing around and foaming up too much. (assuming you are agitating by inverting the tank)

<p>As long as they have the same development time, sure, you can mix 120 and 35mm. Don't make assumptions based on film type, however, as, for example, Tri-x is different in 120 and 35mm.

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Thank you for your help. As far as water to mix the solutions goes, should I use bottled water, or filtered through Brita? I assume tap water is not ok, but I don't know. Tap water would be ok for rinsing would it not? I am planning on putting my mixed solutions in empty water-bottle bottles. I know I am kinda going cowboy for the first few runs, once I do a couple of rolls I can organize better stuff. I bought HC-110 developer. I am using Fuiji Across 120 film, I haven't bought any 35mm B&W yet because I have been using XP-2.


Thanks again.

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Brita leaves very small carbon particles. Best I have found is Bounty Paper towels quartered

in a filter funnel. For super clean, add a layer of cotton under the Bounty.


It has to be Bounty too. El Cheapo will not work. Just filter all the water before you use it

or just the wash water to be on the safe side.

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