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I am a complainer


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I know I have a bad reputation of a big complainer. Especially Josh knows that.

However, as a photo.net member I care about the community, as a photographer I

care about the photos, and as a marketer, I have ideas that might work.


Simply put, I complain because I care, as the marketing guru Seth Godin says:




What he basically says is that any business in order to be remarkable needs to

have something special to offer and a story. Now think about PN's values in

2004, and sincerely think about them now. Think about the photographers PN had

as members and think about them now. And - this will hurt - at the reasons some

members packed and went away. Something changed, obviously. Is it something good?


Biggest isn't best. It's the story and the service that matters.


P.S. Where do you see photo.net 5 years from now?

Sub-question: What happens if in three years some bigger and more popular

photography website emerges on Internet?

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What's your question Darius? Are you trying to ask what I see photo.net doing in 5 years? Or are you just trying to make my day start out as cheery as possible?


I have busted my butt for the past year now to get the wheels turning on improvements for the site. The results of my efforts are finally starting to show and we have seen more fixes, changes, and additions in the past 6 months than we had in the previous 2 years.


You want to complain about the past? Then by all means, do so. But vague complaints about how things were "better a few years ago" are as unhelpful as they are pointless. At least have something concrete to say about what you want to see from the site that you aren't seeing now.

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yeah what are you talking about Darius? What are the problems you are referring to? What are your ideas that might work?<br>

I like photonet as it is and now that I've gone through a sufficient evaluation time I'm even thinking of becomming a paid member. I'm interested in what you have to suggest that can make it even better. What is this something special that you think photonet should offer?

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bah! read between the lines indeed! is this how you work as a marketer? "hey, everybody, I have ideas that might work! Guess what they are 'cause I'm not telling!" come out and say what you have to say darnitt!<p>

cool gallery though i will have to stop by for another visit when i have time.

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Darius, as one who has been hanging around here for a few years I understand where you are coming from, but you are making a mistake in the way that you are presenting your ideas. Josh is willing to listen to people who care about this site, perhaps considerably more so than past moderators in his position. If you have some good ideas, lucidly write them down and put them in an email. Send it to contact@photo.net (as Josh requested in past threads). Regards.
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Sorry Mike, the read between the lines thing wasn't addressed at you. I can show you some ideas, but not here, in this forum thread (where initially I planned to) because it seems I have made a terrible mistake by even opening it.


I care. Or... I used to care. Now I just feel foolish. After all, what's my interest in all this? Why PN's problems have to be mine? Everybody with his/her own business, right?


Walter, believe me, I have presented lots of ideas, but of course none of them was any good for them. Maybe they aren't good for anybody... However, right now I feel very unconfortable because some people will think I am some smart ass wanting to show off. But actually I'm not. I just wanted to help. But everytime I touched this subject, the others' reactions made me feel foolish.


Why the hack do I care about these things after all? No, thank you! I will just shut up, and everybody will be happy. Post some pictures maybe. But that's all.

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Ah well, if you're serious in that you have ideas maybe it would be better to present them as Walter said in an email to contact@photo.net and avoid the uncomfortable public comments. And sorry, didn't intend to make you feel uncomfortable.<br>

Also, lots of people have good ideas and often they are ignored or passed aside. Just because you or me or anybody present ideas doesn't mean they will or have to be acted on.<br>

good luck in your quest.

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