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MUAs - successful sites?

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Thanks Beau - Actually I think I was part of that place a couple years ago; thanks for the reminder of it!


But for now, I have a makeup artist, she's in school, so I'm trying to help her out by building a website just so she can showcase some work...


I mean - a gallery, blog, contact info, etc. - what is normal for a MUA? That's what I'm struggling with. I would end up building her an augmented photographer's site in Flex/ColdFusion with no guidance...so I don't want to do something off-putting to her potential clients...for example she wants an mp3 player or at least some music, so I don't know if I should be convincing her to avoid that type of thing (which I definitely would avoid personally) or not...


The only sites I've seen today look like stock Photoshop-created galleries - but I have no idea how successful they are...



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