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Application for translating keywords

mark amy

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Hello all,


This is a bit of a long shot, but I wondered if anyone had heard or knew where I

could find a program that automatically translates keywords into other languages?


I found one that does I think 5 of the major languages like French, Spanish etc,

but I'm looking for one that translates English keywords into Chinese and vice



Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for that, but sorry, I should have been more specific. I'm looking for a program or an application that I can buy or which may be free, that I can integrate into another program so that it automatically translates keywords from one language into another.


Told you it was a bit of a long shot:)

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What you're asking for is a disaster. Ambiguities are different from language to language, and even between different dialects. Don't look up the word for "eggs" in Spanish, find "huevos" and ask a male grocer in Mexico if he has any. He will inform you that he has two large ones. There is a word used in many Spanish-speaking countries for "get" or "take". In Argentina, that word (which I won't write here -- I still carry an Argentine passport) is an impolite way to refer to sexual intercourse. There are even words that have opposite meanings. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_words_that_have_two_opposite_senses">Here </a> is a Wikipedia page about that.


You want to translate back and forth between English and Chinese. Do you want the simplified Chinese characters, used in China, or the tradtional ones still used in many other parts of the world? The same character can mean many different things depending on what dialect of Chinese, many of which aren't even mutually intelligible.


One of the things that makes automatic translation somewhat usable is that, in translating a paragraph, the computer program uses contextual information to disambiguiate words with multiple meanings. When you're trying to translate only keywords, there is no context, and you will only get a computer's guess for what you want, not even a human's.


If you believe that customers are better off hiring a professional photographer for, say, a commercial shoot, rather than some random tourist with a digicam, then hire a professional translator to do your keywords.

Yes, I am a linguist. No, I don't do translations, but I have seen many translations that did more harm than good. At the Paris Disneyland, at least for a while, Disney staffers were introducing themselves to visitors as a type of cheese.

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