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I am looking for camera shops in Seattle Washington to visit


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That u-district store is run by idiots.


A few years ago, I drove an hour to seattle one day to pick up a lens for a *ist D I was reviewing for photo.net. I wanted some random manual pentax lens to test how the camera worked with old lenses.


I got down there 10-15 minutes before they closed, and proceeded to be given the cold shoulder by the guy behind the counter. He really didn't want to help me and wouldn't take anything out for me to look at or test on the camera saying that he was about to close. So I rather heatedly pointed out that I had money in my pocket, had driven quite far to come specifically here, and that the store was still open for another 10 minutes according to the sign on the door. He started responding with a stream of insults and cussing. I then left the store and told him where to stick it.


He came out from behind the counter and followed me out of the store onto the sidewalk. Where he then began to shout and swear at me as I walked down the street. Quite annoyed by now, I went to get some suhshi and have a beer. An hour later I walked past the store on my way to the car, and the guy was SITTING BEHIND THE COUNTER WATCHING TV! He hadn't even left!


I've never gone back.

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Glazer's Camera (downtown) has some used stuff, but most of their stuff is new. They did just get in a bunch of used FD stuff when I last visited about a week ago. I haven't been to Optechs, but they are just a couple blocks away from Glazers, so yo might want to chekc them out. There is also Kenmore Camera (in , where else, Kenmore), which has a larger selection of used stuff.


The one in the u-district is Jim's camera. I think it really depends on who is running it that day. The two times when I've gone in, they've been nice to me, but I've walked past them overhearing things like Josh described, and some of my friends have also had bad experiences there. They do have the widest variety of used gear however. I guess all I can say is that if you decide to go to Jim's, just go with low expectations.

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I've been to that U-District shop a number of times and never any issues. There's some interesting stuff there. Lots of stuff actually, and as I said, some of it is interesting. Kind of a fun place to visit for me.


The used counter up at Kenmore Camera used to be fairly well stocked, but not with much that is in any way rare.

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