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What are your Canon FD plans for 2008?


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I think I will make 2008 the year I overhaul some of my FD collection rather than adding more items. I have an A-1 with the squeak which will probably be done first. My FX is also a good candidate for an overhaul. After that the Canonet QL17 GIII should be done. I know that's not an FD item. The most recent FD camera I got was a TLb. That one also needs a full overhaul. I have a 100/2.8 New FD which is due back from Essex Camera Service soon. Lately I have been using the EF more than my other FD Canons.
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I want to do more "environmental" type portraits this year. I also want to approach more people I don't know, but who look interesting and photograph them. Shoot FD? But of course! A perfectly fine photography tool. Was last year, too.... and the year before that. I'll be travleing to Singapore in March but I want to stay keen every day for photo opportunities. I keep thinking of a story I heard about the late, great nature photographer Galen Rowell. While driving home from a day of shooting with friends he suddenly pulled the car over and without a word rushed out with his camera, hiked over a hill to photograph the last rays of light of the day. When he got back to the car his companions asked were he had been and he replied " I don't like to miss a single sunrise or sun set, no matter where I am, because, you know, we don't have all that many left". I'm keeping that in mind this year.<div>00NqfC-40703184.jpg.3c0fa1fc0659c25b5edc108b6b6ec2f5.jpg</div>
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I have a F1N/AE that I got off of the bay in '07, and I need to send it to someone who can do a CLA on it. The shutter fires, but on the second time firing the shutter, it is significantly slower. Plus I need to find a lens for it, perhaps a 28/2.8 would do me just find. I want to get this baby out and shoot some film on it!
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I agree with Mark-BURN MORE FILM!!! And I don't know about the rest of you, but Walgreens by me (Rock Island, IL) has been offering 10 cent an exposure to develop 1 hour C-41 film! So I really have been shooting!

But continuing the thread, I plan on using what I have learned in the last year about the FD system to pare down my FD lenses to just what I need. I like to improve my flower photography and to do some portrait work for family/friends.

I shot some Eagles today along the Mississippi river today with my A-1 and MA winder in 6 degree weather, no problems! Hope I got some nice shots!

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Yes....BURN MORE FILM. And if I can find a 100mm f2.0 in good condition at a reasonable price, I'll probably replace my 100/2.8. I made a great hand strap for my T90, so it is almost like an extension of my hand...very comfortable for much longer nature walks, which I intend to start up again in a couple of weeks.
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I had an EF, and I loved it. I need a back up to my NewF1 since I really don't enjoy using my A1 (just my personal preference - its a great camera I am sure), so I hope that I will have a EF to serve that role. Other than that, burning more film sounds good to me:)
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Jeff and Peter


I noticed here that both of you are EF affectionados. Back in the early 70's I worked at a small local camera store that specialized in Canon. One day our first shipment of Ef's came in, and we all sat around handling the new technology (shutter priority AE at a reasonable price!!). The owner suggested I take one of them home for the weekend and try it out. He was a smart man...if the sales team likes the camera, their enthusiasm will carry over as they show it to the customers. If it weren't for the fact that I had just bought a FTb-n a few months earlier, I would have been the first sale in the store.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is I just bought my first EF a few weeks ago. I found one issue with it however...the meter is dead. New batteries blink fine on the test button and the slow shutter speeds work well also....just no meter :( My question is...do you have any recommendations for a good repair facility which knows the camera and can bring it back to life?

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Getting back to basics.F1N,F1n,manual matched needle metering, like in the good old days,Kodak T Max 100, on a Manfrotto tripod as much as possible.Putting the EOS (film) stuff in cold storage because it has made me brain dead.Ignore anything digital, including forums on photo.net(except for a little film scanning).
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I'm going to try to fill in the few remaining holes in my FD lens collection (17mm f/4, 100mm f/2, 500mm f/4.5 L) and try to broaden my range of photographic subjects. I have an exceptionally photogenic nine-month-old, so I've been primarily photographing her. But my intention in this new year is to get out and do more landscape and macro shooting of natural subjects, as well as do some architectural work (with my TS 35mm f/2.8 SSC). Dave, I must say that your black and white still life of the leaves is most beautiful, and sets a standard to which I aspire but may never attain.
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Learn wet dark room. Planning to burn lots of black and white doing it. Maybe later this year find a F-1 or F-1n so I've something totally battery independent. Get the EF CLA'd and out in the world shooting. Think I'll get the better half a T-90 so she has more metering options. (She's the more artistic between the two of us.)
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Mark P, hey, thanks for the kind words-- I don't know what you're smoking, but I want some. Highlights are blown, cheap Fuji print film, converted to BW in Photoshop. But thanks!


The oak leaves I picked up off the ground in northern Virginia in November-- dumped 'em in a bowl, vertical tripod shot by window light with the 100/4 macro.

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FD is all I own for photography equipment.


I plan on a Winter trip to the Grand Tetons (100 miles away from my house) sometime this month if the haze would clear out.


I also plan another run to Glacier Park. I go every year as it is 5.5 hours away. I didn't make it this year as I was busy working overtime as Contruction is my occupation.


Other than that, it will be local shooting around the area.<div>00NsP2-40741084.jpeg.2e78cb10fb8b96d1d737d8366b1870df.jpeg</div>

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