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Aperture vs Photoshop (Cost Debate)

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Don't let the subject fool you, this is a quick post to rationalize a decision I

going to make and I want to get the peace of mind from the group. I have an old

version of Photoshop (7) and I was planning on purchasing the upgrade so that I

can work with my RAW photos. I can use a student discount I have, and the cost

for the full version is about $300. OR I can buy Aperture for $289 (b/c Apple

doesn't give a discount). The smart purchase is Photoshop right? I mean this

should be a no brainer but I have never used Aperture and heard great things,

but Photoshop trumps all right?


(And BTW I can't upgrade photoshop b/c it was part of a creative suite purchase)


Just looking for a little confirmation of my thought process.

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These apps (Aperture and Photoshop) are for different purposes. There is some overlap in the image processing and the printing.


Do you need to do image processing at the pixel level? Or, would you want instead an integrated package that does raw processing; image processing; printing; exporting to the web, slideshows, etc.; cataloging and more?


Anyway, if its the latter, I'd recommend Lightroom instead because (1) Adobe is much faster about supporting new raw formats than is Apple, and you might get a new camera at some point, and (2) Lightroom also works on Windows, which contributes to its having a much larger user community.

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If you can afford both, I prefer Lightroom, but it doesn't have a book making function I'm aware of and that sux. But lets put it this way, if you want to re-touch your photos get photoshop. If you want to make generic adjustment, either of the other 2 work will. They are two different functions altogether. You might want to wait til you really understand the major differences between the two types of programs.
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Among lot of other things, ps CS3 will burn and dodge areas, darken a sky, replace a background, all of which can not be done with Lightroom or Aperture. It also comes with Illustrator, Acrobat, In Design. Lightroom is like PS without the selection tools. It doess excell at mass changes to many photos.


Elements will do most of what the photoshop portion of CS3 does for $100. Start there. The current raw converter works in PSE5.

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If you arent into heavy editing or manipulation of your photos then I would say stick with Aperture. If you are curious or you might be into it then go for PS.



FYI: With your student discount you should actually be able to pick up the whole CS3 Master collection for 599, I did about 2 months ago. I mean if you do more than just photography and such you cant beat the price.

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