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Portfolio submission


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To a gallery? To a school? To a stock agency? To a publisher? To a competition's jury? To a possibly hiring journalism entity?


Each of them have different requirements and operate at different paces with different players. But they pretty much ALL have web sites that would go into those details and help you to provide what they'd want in exactly the format that makes it work best for them. It is all about them, so that's where I'd start.

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I'm not trying (too much) to make you answer your own question, but... how do you know they might need some freelance work? Do they mention it on their web site, or do you know someone who knows someone there? The point is, if they've not already said how they'd like to see portfolios, I'm sure they'd appreciate a nice dose of simple, straight-forward communication. Just drop a note to the art director or photo buyer indicating that you believe your work is a perfect patch for what they do (it is, isn't it? right?), and you'd like to know in what format they'd most appreciate receiving some examples of your work. I'm sure they'd rather tell you than not. It's also a chance for them to just come right out and say what their larger expectations are.
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It is an exceedingly rare occasion when anything at all results from the sending of an

unsolicited portfolio to an ad agency. They are deluged with promo materials and

portfolios from photographers, and a lot of it goes in the trash without a glance. Portfolio

submissions are most effective when the agency already knows your work and the book

just serves as a reminder. If they don't know you, the chance that an unsolicited portfolio

will get you a job is miniscule (no kidding). Try to make and nurture a personal contact

there, and follow Matt's advice about communicating to develop a solid understanding of

what they would find compelling in a photographer they would choose to work with.

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I hire photographers from time to time for a trade association (no I'm not looking for any right now). When I'm considering someone I haven't worked with before or had recoomended to me, I ask to see their web site. If you're serious about pursuing assignments regardless of whether it's news, PR, advertising or even weddings, you need to have a professional web site with a tight portfolio of your very best work so potential clients can go click on it in a matter of seconds. Next best thing is a CD is someone has asked you to send them something. But if you're at the point that they've asked, ask them what format they want -- web site, CD, sheet of slides, stack of prints, etc. -- and send it to them the way they want it.
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