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Pentax Lens Choices for Christmas


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I have read almost every thread regarding lens choices for the K10d and

compatibility...and sadly, I feel the migraines starting again. I have a Pentax

50-200 that I am somewhat satisfied with for outdoor/bright light stuff, but I

would love a couple few budget minded suggestions for another one or two

lenses. You can keep them brief if you like. By 'budget' I mean relatively

cheap lenses with high IQ. I know, we all would love that scenario, but I am

referring to stuff I can get on ebay or used, in store lenses for under

$300..under $200 even better. Third party suggestions are fine with me as well.

Mostly intersted in the prime lenses, and I would love to grab one of

those 'pancakes' but I need to stay on the lower end until income tax season! A

multi-purpose macro suggestion would be great! Your top-three, budget lens

Christmas Wish List! Thanks for your help, Pete.

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If I had to pick 3 lenses, I'd say the 35mm f/2, the 50mm f/1.4, and the 100mm f/2.8 macro.



I already own them and love them. The problem I have is I like to shoot close and wide. I

REALLY want a DA 14mm! I realize that isn't for everyone, but the first 3 primes are good all

around performers.

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If you want to get a fast prime you must first determine your intended use. That will indicate the view angle most useful to your needs. You mentioned the 50-200mm and also a need for fast lenses and for low light. So a 50mm fits within that tele category. The Pentax FA 50mm f/1.4 is a very fine lens and can be had new for a reasonable cost. To go cheaper still, a used F or FA 50mm f/1.7 is also a fine lens. As for a relatively inexpensive "pancake", Doug's suggestion for the 40mm "M" model is a good one. I've had one for years and it is nice. Though not as fast as the above two 50's, its shorter focal length allows more in the frame for greater versatility of use. It is well built and very small.


The FA 35mm f.2 is indeed a fine lens, but not in the tele range at all. General purpose, neither tele nor wide angle.


The FA 28mm f/2.8 is another option, if you can find one, which has a versatile semi-wide view for many uses on a digital body.

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I'd agree with all the lens suggestions above and maybe add a 135mm. There are A versions at f2.8 which is a nice lens and generally well under your budget limits. Maybe not quite as sharp as the 50mm f1.4/1.7's though. Another choice could be a Tamron 90mm macro or a Sigma 105mm macro. Both are AF lenses and sharp as a tack. They can be had for about $350. Nice tele range on a DSLR and 1:1 macro. Good dual purpose lenses.
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