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Pictures for my gallery


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Hey guys and girls.


You may remember I posted a link AGES ago regarding a gallery I was to have of

my work.


The link below will take you to 12 that I have selected. I am thinking I would

like around 15 pictures in total.


Please have a look at the selection and let me know if there are any you think

I shouild leave out.







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If I had to choose without being able to compare to potential replacements - everything is relative :-) - I'd drop these (starting with the first and working down, depending on how many you needed to drop):


1) Squirrel

2) Tower Bridge

3) Waves


I picked these because, although they're all nice images, they aren't (for me at least) as interesting as the rest.

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Kimberley - the photos do not seem to have any unifying theme or do not convey your skills or preferences.


Examples: 1) the flower is out of focus; 2) the squirrel seems like a chance snap that you happened by while talking a walk; 3) the sea crashing against the rocks and the sun coming out from behind the clouds, while somehwat nice, don't really say anything; and, 4) what's the story with the duck?


The rest of them do have the unifying theme of: "Structures from unique perspectives," so all of those do seem to belong with each other. I'm not saying a "theme" is necessary, but the presentation somehow seems disjointed. It just seems like you're still unsure of your vision, and still searching. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that, and there's nothing wrong with having many different interests, but again, it just doesn't seem to "flow."


Rather than go on further, since we are photographers, let me just show you what I mean... go to my site at: http://klix.smugmug.com


I'm not asking for critique, nor do I claim that the images are any good, but if you look at the galleries, you will see some unifying theme. You may or may not like that theme, but you cannot deny that it is there.


Just my own humble opinion...



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BTW, I have to say -- Michael Ging (who responded above) has probably forgotten more in the past couple of minutes than you and I can ever hope to learn about photography in our combined lifetimes, so make sure you take his comments to heart.


The link he posted above illustrates in one line what I tried to convey in long-winded fashion.



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I have looked at your portfolio. There are three picture that IMHO rate lowest on your portfolio and they are:

1: Angel's decent not a complete picture, i.e foreground-mid ground-and BG. Although there can be exceptions .

2: Remember the dead.. tilted camera and poor exposure..

3: Goosey Gander bad exposure on head and bill.


Regards ifti

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