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imported cameras


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Service-needy/likely items like DSLRs just aren't worth it. Accessories, flashes,and lenses are less service-prone and are often worth it. Bought manual lenses and accessories in the past with no regrets. Hard professional use makes paying the US price and getting a full USA warranty the only way to go.
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I have purchased imported "Grey Market" Nikon gear from B&H and not had any problems with it. I have purchased Nikon USA gear (from other vendors) and not had any problems with it. I have purchased Nikon USA gear and HAVE had problems (outside of the warranty period) with it. I'm not sure what, if any, conclusions you might draw from that. ;-)


Nikon USA will not repair grey market gear, but there are very well qualified independents who will, and they don't care if your Nikon gear was officially imported by Nikon USA or not.


In the end it comes down to a decision if the extra cost is worth it to you for a valid USA warranty, Nikon USA service, and possible peace of mind if you are the worrying type. For the extra money, you are essentially buying a fixed term insurance policy.


In many cases it's a no-brainer. The cost difference is so small that it would be foolish to not buy the Nikon USA product. In other instances (say with a teleconverter) where the risk of a failure during the warranty period is very low, and the difference in cost may be significant (23% on a TC-20E II), it might very well be worth it to you to save the money and "self-insure" by buying the imported version.

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I'm from New Zealand and have bought 2x grey lenses (primes) from B&H, its fine. Warranty is nil with Nikon USA or Nikon NZ so B&H deals with it, I was willing to take the risk. If I bought USA lenses then Nikon USA/NZ will deal with it .. as intl warranties.


dSLRs will not have intl warranties (incl USA products), only country of origin gets free warranties. So if you bought in USA you get USA, if you move or go holiday in NZ, NZ won't do it for free. This applies to other digi stuff like film scanners but not sure about digital lenses they may be like normal lenses - do have intl warranty.


I have bought a Japan camera in Japan - not grey. I had to send it back to Japan for servicing cos Nikon NZ won't do it.

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Buying from Asia is that that much cheaper than B&H in my experience with Hong Kong which is sales tax free. I went to the reputable stores which is known for good prices. The lenses there does not tend to have rebates like USA. So assuming both do not have rebates, the lenses are really about the same .. +/- 10% depending what you strike. It can be a tad more or less.


The Gitzo tripod was lesser than USA thou like 25 or 33% less.

The flash not sure maybe a bit more if I recall ...


I am not sure about Nikon USA, in 2004 I thought about a new D70 or a new F100. I emailed Nikon USA and they said, if you bought a grey item or any item outside USA (non grey or what), you will need the warranty card and sales invoice before you can pay for the repairs. If you do not have it to prove ownership they will not repair even if you pay them. Nikon NZ is not like that, they just accept money and do it ...


Generally I may get used as their's a cheaper pricetag but that's me, esp for digital stuff where I am its $$ so I would buy it overseas anyway, where I am things can cost 50% more (pro zooms), or 200% more (primes or less demanded zooms) depending on item. Other stuff is about 10-20% more (most lenses and bodies).

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