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Please help my choose equipment for Egypt


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Two days before Christmas me and few friends are going with travel agency to

Egypt. We are going to be there for 8 days, and travel program includes Cairo,

Alexandria and Hurgada. When we return I'm planing to write a few pages long

report of our journey with couple of (i hope good) pictures (topic would be

probably something like: alternative ways to spend winter vacancies instead

skying).. but since I'm going with a group of non photographers I'll probably

wont be able to wait for perfect shot, stall the people, return to the place

etc. everything has to be done in hurry.

I have following equipment:


Canon 30d + grip, 350d, 17-40 f4, 70-200 2.8, 50mm 1.8 and Metz 54MZ flash.


and since everything I'm bringing has to fit in 60 liter backpack plus small

lowepro belt pack what would you recommend to bring?

I'm tight on budget so buying 18-200 lenses etc. is out of equation.


My first option was 350d (same picture quality as 30d, but much less weigh, and

lees space) with 17-40 attached for general use, and 50mm 1.8 aside for

portraits (if it comes to that) or low light shooting, and left 70-200 and flash

at home.

I've never been to Egypt so I don't know how people react when they see big

lens, and I know it is hard to answer this question but would I miss 70-200 2.8?

I prefer to shoot with wide angle lenses, get in heart of action.. but.. I don't

know what to expect..

What do you usually bring to this type of travel?

I somehow believe that 350d + 17-40 and 50 1.8 would be lenses I would use 99%

of time.. but I'm under influence of limited space of backpack so I'm not

rational.. what would you recommend?

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If you can, get down to Aswan. Just spectacular! I backpacked for a month in Egypt, on the cheap, and we limited ourselves to 15lbs of gear.We took public transportation and stayed in lower end areas. This was a few years ago. If I went now, on the same type of budget, and I shoot Nikon, I'd take a D40x, 18-70 and 70-300VR. Also a SB-600 flash. Not sure of the Canon equivalent. With what you have I would skip the 50mm. Just take a step or two to adjust at the 40 end of the 17-40mm zoom. Egypt was kinda dusty and you need to be careful changing lenses. Bring a blower. I usually avoid a brush. It will just move the grit about. <P>

How people will react will depend upon how you treat them. If you develop a rapport with them, they will probably not be offended. If you just stick a lens in most people's face they will probably get turned off. That's part of the difference between a snapshot and a portrait.<P> Try and see Luxar as well! Egypt is a great country filled with kind, caring people and beautiful, historically important antiquities.

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Thanks for advice!

Since we are scheduled to be 3 day in Hurgada.. we'll try to go to (Newiba and then by ferry to) Petra in Jordan and back for those 3 days. If it's not possible, then Luxor is our next favorite option :)


I' would definitely bring 50mm 1.8 :) I just love that lens and is not to big.. actually it can fit in my pocket if it has to ;) and there is also f1.8 vs f4 for low light shooting :)


But the question is whether to bring 70-200 2.8 :( this lens is fixed size so it takes a lots of space, and weights almost 2kg.


Do you know if there is any non-expensive way to burn photos form CF card to CD/DVD in those cities?

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Thanks Jonathan!

Great pictures!


I realise that most of the time I shoot ether 17mm which is on Canon's crop factor equivalent to 27mm, or around 50mm which is eqv. to 80mm. When I use telefoto lens (and I usually don't use it) I use it on 200+ mm.

That's why I thought to bring just 350d + 17-40 and 50mm.

I was also thinking about buying some cheap canon film body (EOS 1000 or EOS 3000), but to be honest I never shot using film :( so I'm afraid I'll mess up the photos.. but I didn't give up on that option jet.


Since you are often in Egypt, can you pleas tell me where do you buy a film, and how do you transport it back home regarding x-rays on airport etc.?

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I would definitely bring my film. There's film there but it's getting harder and harder to find. You best bet is the kodak store on Adly street in Cairo. The X-ray machines at Cairo airport are frightening -- these are the huge ones right as you are first entering the airport. I would make a huge fuss about not letting them xray my film, although I have rarely had to do this. Once insidem, the Rapiscan machines are innoccuous, as are the ones used for CARRY ON luggage in every European and U.S. airport.
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I would bring all the equipment, and decide each day what stuff you want to walk around with. Take both bodies so that you have a back-up in case one of them decides to malfulction (they are part computer after all). The only real question is the 70-200 f2.8. Its quite large and heavy and does attract some attention. A smaller, lighter long lens may be better for travel (like the 70-300 IS), but its your images and your wallet.
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Yes I agree, but is it safe to leave extra body and some lenses in 4 star hotel's room in Cairo?

I heard that Hotels in Hurgada are great, but in Cairo are not so great.. 3 and 4 starts Cairo hotels are usually without water etc.

So I was planing to take all my photo-gear with me all the time I'm out side hotel room.

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I was on a photographic (Pop Photo/Nikon) tour for which the local arrangements were handled by Misr Travel. They are fantastic, we got VIP treatment all the way, including police escorts that speeded us by local, nearly gridlocked traffic.


As for lenses, I had a 17mm wide-end lens and it was NOT wide enough really. You really could use a 10-20 Sigma or Canon. In a classic case of closing the barn door after the horse is stolen, I bought one as soon as I got back. The 200 end is long enough-I really didn't use the longer telephoto much.

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I just got back from Egypt a few days ago. Internet cafes are on every corner, charging between LE2-10 per hour (probably Hurgada is in the upper range of that). Most of them will burn DVDs and the going rate seemed to be LE 20 but i hadn't tried haggling, just backed up on my MP3 player instead.


Alexandria is a lot less touristy than Cairo/Hurgada so people treat you a bit like a celebrity. Everyone there loves having their picture taken, all they want is exchange is to see it.


I took my 70-300 but barely used it. If you don't take the long lens you'll find a way to go without. 2kgs is a lot to lug around all day.


Make sure you keep a ziplock bag in your pocket for those dust storms that can happen at a moment's notice near the pyramids.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I took a D200 and an 18-70 lens. For a few things, I'd wish I had my SB-800 so I could add a little bit to the very dark temples. Most people are used to seeing Europeans with crazy cameras running around. You will find you can't get a taxi at the same price as an Egyptian and you'll get towed around a bit at the tourist destinations. But, I met some of the best people I ever have in my travels inside of Egypt.


I only wish I'd had a long lens once or twice, but a faster lens a couple of times. The incessant dust will cause you terrible trouble changing lenses on a digital. People will offer to take pics with and for you. Expect to shell some baksheesh all the time. Just a pound note or two.


You can read about my experiences here: http://aaronlinsdau.com/gear/articles/egypt_june06_1.html . This will give you a good idea of what to expect. I really loved the regular people in Egypt. They saved me from great troubles more than once, and total strangers approaching me at that.

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