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Canon Ql19 GIII

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The price sounds a little steep, but these are good cameras for shooting. They don't have the same feel as the older, sturdier RF cameras (Canon,Leitz,Contax,Nikon). But the fixed 38MM lenses were quite sharp and produced nice contrasty images. Also after loading many older RF cameras, the GIII's "QL" system (quick loading)will seem like a marvel.
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Yes, the QL17-GIII has a 40mm lens. Some other rangefinders of the 70s use 38mm lenses. It`s no surprise that they use leaf shutters built into the lens barrel. A focal plane shutter does not offer any advantages with a fixed lens and has the draw back of slow sync speeds.


Anyhow, I made excellent experiences with my QL17 (new) - an early version of the GIII with a different battery test system. Maybe there are some lenses of that era which are even sharper but there is nothing to complain about the QL17 lens. The QL17-GIII is somewhat over-engineered and packed with each and every feature the engineers could design into a purely mechanical camera, and some of these gimmicks may cause failures. The GIII probably is the most versatile rangefinder camera with fixed lens of the 70`s era.

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>The QL17-GIII is somewhat over-engineered and packed with each and every feature the engineers could design into a purely mechanical camera, and some of these gimmicks may cause failures.


I'm not sure what those gimmicks and their failures are.


The self-timer mechanism on my "new QL19" is crammed inside the lens/shutter assembly and doesn't work, though it is hardly a gimmick. The GIII has the same thing. A conventional timer on the front body like the Minolta Hi-matics is a much better solution.


The light meter is turned off when you select the aperture manually which is the biggest shortcoming of such cameras.

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I don't know where you are located but $90 for this camera is way to high. I've got a QL17 GIII with new seals, clean viewfinder and sharp lenses with the dedicated flash I'll sell for $45 plus shipping. And that's about the going rate for these cameras. The QL19 is a cheaper version because of the slower lens.
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Claude, I have the "pre-GIII" model. The GIII has a battery check button which mine lacks, as well as improved lens coatings. Got it some years ago and don't know about the going price these days, though I suspect you can haggle down somewhat.


The QL19 has a 45/1.9 lens vs the QL17's 40/1.7 lens, the numerical speed difference less than 1/2 stop. The QL19 is also a lot less common than the QL17, the GIII version even rarer. (Couldn't find one so I settled for its precursor.) Both versions have pentagonal irises.


Shoot a test roll if you can. It's a much better user than any Rollei 35 which cost even more.

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Claude, I have a QL17 GIII, and not the QL19 you ask about, but I can only say that while my QL17GIII can not compare in any build aspects to my Leica M6, it was the camera that made me start to imagine what an M6 and its rangefinder could do, which started me on the Leica M path. Mine is a great picture taker and better at f2 than I would have thought likely. My wife always chooses to use the little Canon over a Leica CL I try to push on her, even though they are precisely the same size. I'm not sure why she feels this way.
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