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Hope it will be useful (Nikkor 18-55 kit vs Sigma 10-20)


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Good time everyone !


Resently I purchased sigma 10-20 and would like to share some simple test shots

(100% crops) for yours opinions/comments.


It was sunny day, handheld, outdoor, water on the news papers because it was

windy :)


Both are at 20mm of focal length, f/8, taken from a distance about 1.6 m, ISO

200, in aperture mode. Camera - Nikon D50.

Sigma demonstrates a higher contrast, less barrel distortions, and also less CA,

but Nikoan is also pretty fine as for kit..


Please, maybe you will make you own conclusions. For those who need I can send

more crops..


Thank you.


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If you are not going to use 10/19 range on the Sigma, why buy it? If you are, there is no substitute.


Spend all the money on one good standard lens to start. That kit lens has a plastic mount and is held together with tape on the inside. It is a cheap $100 starter lens. Maybe you are a candidate for a prime 24 2.8.

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Ronald, my sample must have really strong tape on the inside as the lenses have yet to fall out in the 1 year I have owned it. I will let you know when the plastic mount wears out. I just checked it and it still looks as good as new.


I have both lenses and find both of them excellent. But I don't read newspapers in them. If you want to see the reason to own the Sigma in addition to the Nikon, take a picture at 18mm with the Nikon and then take the same shot with the Sigma at 10mm. 10mm is WIDE on a DX camera!

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Ryan Hamilton: "not sure of the point here". Everything is comparable. I hope I will enjoy it outddor as u said.


To Ronald Moravec: 17 cm is very useful for me too, thats the reason to buy sigma..


"Spend all the money on one good standard lens to start". I dont want to "start".. this is just a lens to get a wide range..


To Elliot Bernstein: "But I don't read newspapers in them" I dont read newspapers by lenses either.. what is this passage for?

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Nick, even 18mm is a wide angle on the DX sensor, but those lenses are not design for macro or such close focusing. In order to shoot a newspaper with a wide angle, you have to shoot from a close distance and IMO, that is not a valid test. Moreover, if you want to test it with a newspaper shot, you must tape the newspaper on a wall so that it is flat and your camera's sensor plane has to be parallel to the newspaper. That is not easy to align things.


If you would like to compare those lenses at 18mm, I would shoot some identical distant subject such as a building at/near infinity.

You can then compare little details such windows, signs, etc. on the building.

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Typically, 100% corp means you view an image at 100% in PhotoShop; that is at the pixel level, and then you crop out a small, representative area to show the detail and sharpness. If you don't crop it, you would be showing the entire image at 100%. That takes up a lot of disk space and bandwidth over the web, because you are including a lot of the areas that are unnecessary for determining sharpness.


See the surfer image I showed in the following thread as an example:


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