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Strange Blue Lights

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Did a 2 day boxing tourney last weekend, (my first attempt at boxing) used my

D70 with a 50 mm 1.4, and took over 300 shots over the 2 days. The first day,

I shot from the ring apron between the 1st and 2nd ropes - lighting was from 8'

fluorescent tubes. Downloaded the photos to my PC after the first days shoot,

and noticed some strange, straight blue lines running thru many shots. Then I

remembered reading on this forum, where another shooter experienced the same

blue line phenomenon in some of his shots taken under fluorescent lights.

Contributors here suggested the blue lines might be caused by a reflection of

the light from the fluorescent tubes passing thru the lens filter, striking the

lens then reflecting back to the filter. I removed my 1A filter for the next

day's shoot - and voila - no more blue lines anywhere. Without the assistance

from contributors to this forum, I doubt I would have solved the problem.

Thanks again.

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Frans - appreciate your comment. I live in an area prone to Chinook winds - a phenomenon which creates warm westerly winds often in excess of 70 MPH. These winds have been known to blow over buses, semi-trailers and vehicles pulling travel trailers. When these winds pick up, grains of sand feel like BB pellets when they hit your face. I keep the 1A on for lens protection and for no other reason. I'll remember from now on to remove the thing when shooting indoors.
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