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Best choice for landscape photography???


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Have done 35mm extensively and a little MF work with borrowed equipment. Always lured by the high resolution/control of LF

view cameras. Recently saw panoramic shots of landscape/ruins done

in 6x17cm (Fuji GX617) and was enthralled. Want LF that can do 6x17cm, + other formats, and that is portable in the field. I am leaning towards a metal Canham with 6x17 back when available but worried about lack of support for 5x7 film size when not shooting 6x17. Any comments about best way to go? I love 1:3 panoramics and my goal is to make 1:3 and LF poster sized works. Is 8x10 portable without a mule??? Any opinion and especially first hand experiences appreciated. Also any opinions about lens types and quality would be appreciated.

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I'll answer the last part of your question ..is 8x10 portable without

a mule? Absoluely! I can shave the weight of my 8x10 field kit

down to around 11 pounds + tripod and that includes two

lenses. The trick is a light camera body and in my case that is a

Phillips Compact II that is ~8 lbs. I say + tripod because that can

be the backbreaker. I don't have a carbn fiber pod (but am

thinking seriously about same) and the additional weight of my

Ries pod and head double the weight but still managable.

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There are lots of information about 5X7 cameras (and film) on the

large photography home page written and maintained by Q. Tuan Luong

who happens to be the moderator of this forum. (<a

href="http://www.ai.sri.com/~luong/photography/lf/">A large format

photography home page</a>.)<br>

About film choice for the full size sheet film, there are indeed not

too many options, but that also depends on if you want to shoot color

or b/w. 5X7 film isn't as readily available as 4X5 film, but you can

find it. There are enough choices for b/w, and you could always cut

8X10 film to get two sheets of 5X7 if you want to. (The "receipe" is

somewhere in the above mentioned link.) Or, you could get a 4X5

reducing back for the Canham.

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i'd recommend chosing between panoramic format and view camera. get

either (or both) a 4x5 view camera, or a fuji 6x17. i am fortunate to

have both, and each is lightweight enough to carry wherever i want to.

a view camera that could support a 6x17 back would be large and

cumbersome with sheet film holders as well as the 6x17 back and roll

film, especially for someone new to LF photography. just my $.02...

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You could make 4x5/5x7/8x10 images and crop them depending on the

subject matter. I saw prints by a man who uses this technique, and

he said that it gives him flexibility with the aspect ratio because

he has additional information in the negative.

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You may also want to consider 4x10, which is pretty easy with the (wooden)

Canham... However, like 5x7, one has to be 'creative' in order to get all the

film stocks you want . I have been on and off 5x7 for about 15 years. The

availability of 5x7 film isn't really that bad--most B&W films are manufactured.

Fujichromes, as mentioned, are availble via Badger (or a bit cheaper if you

have a friend in Japan). I am currently using EPY (from B&H) which is much

cheaper--if you don't mind popping an 85B onto your lens before exposure.

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If you want true panoramics (as opposed to cropped images) the only

way to go is a rotating camera. 6x17 is limited to about 100 degrees

horizontal view, a rotating camera will give you 360 degrees +.


The advantage of a rotating camera is small size and edge to edge

sharpness because you only use the centre strip of the lens. Also you

don't need a lens with big image circle (just enough to cover neg



I use a MF camera with 50mm Nikon lens, 55 degrees vertical view, a

typical 360 will be 330mm long, double the length of a 6x17 and

double the impact. I also use LF rotating cameras and 4 to 5 foot

long negs is normal.


No I'm not a rotating camera freak.....I use 4x5 and 8x10 as well but

these formats and 6x17 don't cut it when put up next to a 1:6



Here's a 360 shot that I've cropped to about 340 degrees.


<img src="http://www.bigshotz.co.nz/images/waterfront.jpg">

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The problem with 360 or 340-degree shots is that they have no

relationship to human vision. Those "panoramas", IMHO, may hold

some brief interest for some folks, but I see them as a useless

gimick that tells us nothing about the world. Better to have 100-180

degree shots that relate to human vision.

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Art and Kevin


I respect your views, no problem there and I certainly don't want to

start a flame war but this is my view of extended panoramas.


Like you, a few years ago before I started shooting these panoramas,

I thought of them as nothing more than a gimmic....I just didn't see

the point of it all. Then I came across a vintage print and was

totally blown away by the concept.....prior to that I'd never seen a

good one in the flesh.


If well executed, extended panoramas, at what ever degrees of

rotation they happen to be, exercise the mind of both viewer and

photographer....we all know we can't see that much in one view but we

can build up (with experience) a mental image of the view and in fact

the photographer has to do that....there are no view finders or

ground glass that will show such a wide image. And should an image

challenge the thinking of a viewer?....I think so.....


You will also find a surreal element in some of them....there is an

interplay of time and motion that is rarely seen in conventional

panormas....we don't physically see this (when shooting) but the

camera records it and we view it in the print.....call it another

gimmic if you want but I think it opens up an area of image making

worth investigating. Below is an example of what I'm talking about.

<img src="http://www.bigshotz.co.nz/images/lambton_quay5.jpg">


This is a tiny section from 180 degree panorama, as you can see

camera and subject movement have synchronised to give this effect.

I'm not saying it's good, bad or desireable......it's simply shows

there is some depth to these images that you might not have seen with

casual observation. In fact I didn't see it in this image until about

a week after I'd printed it....there is so much detail that in may be

6 months before you see the whole image.


I frequently have people who have bought my images telling me they

make new discoveries in them everyday.


Of course human vision is nothing like 100-180 degrees, much less in

fact but why should we limit ourselves to what we see?


As I said earlier, I respect your view and am happy to discuss

extended panoramas or conventional panoramas any time.

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Robert: I have an overdue book from the library, now I know why: it

was waiting for your question. This book deals in some detail with

the varieties of panoramic cameras and the results you can expect

from them. it is "Panoramic Photography" by Joseph Meehan, 1990,

ISBN 0-81745384-2.

Peronally I prefer the distortion (almost) free images from cameras

like the Linhof 617 to those from rotating cameras but that is a

matter of personal preference.

Good luck.

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FWIW, I wouldn't loose too much sleep over the issue of format size.

I think the old Cirkut cameras are great. I wish I could afford one.

I think the old Korona 12x20 and 8x20s are great. I wish I could

afford one of those too. I like the Linhoffs and Noblex 617s as

well. Gosh I wish I could afford one of those! Even if I sold my

mule I probably couldn't afford any of those cameras( theres always

the lottery of course. I don't have any elderly rich relatives!) So

I'll muddle along with what I've got. If what YOU'VE got is a 8x10,

5x7 , a Speed Graphic or an old TLR or a Holga, you're still in the

game. IMHO, Its what you DO with your camera that matters most.


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Robert I think a couple of the things that one has to do in a

decision making process such as this, is to consider how much time

one has available to dedicate to the format based on what one expects

in return, and what one will put up with to use it and at

what "cost". From a get your monies worth (or satisfaction)

viewpoint, overall, it's always easier to pickup a smaller camera and

go out with it if you have a family, than if you don't and have time

on your hands to kill. Only you can answer that.




You apparently not having dabbled in LF photography before, would be

much better off renting an outfit and going out with a rollfilm back,

say a 6x12, before making ANY investment. In it's use you'll learn

much about what it takes to get those beautiful panoramic images from

a large format perspective, and then what it takes to get them

printed and at what price. Being a newbie, you need input, so rent

first. After that experince decide if you are willing to put up with

shooting in a slower more methodical way involving more steps, or if

you would be happier with a sportier smaller camera like a Fuji or

Tech among others. Those panoramics are nice, everyone likes a good

one, but they are harder to shoot as many times the landscape won't

fit the format. (Oh yea, remember to add in travel cost.) From a cost

perspective I'd figure spending at least $2 to $3K on decent 8x10 LF

equipment for 1:3; Printing is another expensive matter involving

either top computer equipment (if you have it) for edits and prints

or expensive lab prints. From reading many photographic books, I find

most shooting Fuji's and Tech's for their panoramics.

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Robert, I apologize for my previous post thatsounds like I

trivializing your question. Eqiuiptment costs big bcks and the

experienced opinions of those on this forum are invaluable. What I

meant to convey was that equiptment should not be more important than

your own creative style. All the cameras you and the others have

mentioned have been successfully used for landscapes. Using the camera

(s)you now have will best help you to determin what and if more

specialized equiptment will help you to achieve your vision. If you

wait for the "perfect" camera, you'll probably have a long,long wait!

Good Luck!

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