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Well, I hope I did the right thing (Please tell me so)...


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I hadn't been following any news in the world of Cameras at all for the last

many months.


I have just been having fun taking pictures with my 20D for for about 2.5 years.


Then one morning last week, I saw a big picture of the 40D in a flyer and

developed the fever. :-)


Just sold my 20D today with my Tamron 28-75/2.8.

Took a bath on the sale off course.

And purchased the 40D body only.


Just going through post sale/purchase remorse wondering, "did I really need to

do that? How is this going to help me?".


Will it make me a better photographer. Off course not.


But please, someone just tell me, just to make me feel better, if for no other

reason, that I did good to trade up. :-)


I enjoy taking pictures very much and learning but unfortunately for my wallet

and my wife I am also a gear nut.


-- Sanjay

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I have a 40D and its fantastic. You will find a definite difference it focus accuracy and speed compared to the 20D. I noticed a decent increase in my keeper ratio with mine as well. The bigger view finder is nice and you coming from a 20D must love the bigger screen. Dont beat yourself up, 20-30D is crazy, but like the others said, 20-40D, not a bad move. I havn't heard any say they wish they hadn't. Just go out and enjoy this new machine. If you have a lens, it will make you feel better.
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I now have two 20Ds,having surrendered my XTi to my daughter for her film study course and got her 20D in exchange. I really like the 20D mind you, but unlike the 30D (nothing against it at all) this is a real upgrade in many ways. The dust reduction feature really works (as I found out in Egypt with the XTi), the higher pixel count is less important, but it has a nicer viewfinder, the ability to change (officially) the screens, and many other features that make your move one I would do in a second if I didn't have a kid in college right now :_(


Maybe next year for me, but you done good!

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Hmmm, gonna need 'L' lenses, CS3, nice tripod, a notebook for that Live View, big CF cards, a nice bag, maybe some lights, a studio, a photo trip, hire an exhibition hall...:-)<br><br>


You did a good thing - ask your bank manager - as a wise photographer once said 'my accountant told me not to buy a mercedes - but I bought one anyway - it made me work harder, made me more focussed and it felt good - and the accountant still has his beaten up wreck.'

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Thanks for all the good words. I feel better now. My wallet is still lighter than when I woke up today, but I feel better. :-)


I do have other lenses, so I am ok on that end.

I really liked my Tamron 28-75/2.8 which was my main lens on the 20D for about almost two years, but it wasn't wide enough for everyday.

I purchased the 17-85 IS about 6 months ago and am using that for everyday shooting. Prior to that I had purchased the 10-22 EF-S and the 70-300 Canon lenses. And I still have my trusty 50/1.8 which I've had since my film days for many a year.


I don't know how much I am going to miss the Tamron yet, so I will have to wait and see. I may switch the 17-85 for the 17-55/2.8 next year, but it's just so expensive.


Again thanks for the support! :-)


-- Sanjay

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<wife rant> You did the wrong thing! What was wrong with your 20D? Didn't it gave you excellent pictures? Will the new one make you a better photographer? No!


You should have listen to the voice of reason (that is ME) and use the money to go on a holiday with your loving wife or buy her a nice necklace, or earrings, or a ring, or a dress, or something nice for the house, or something..... </wife rant>


But then again, which one of us does that? :-)



Happy shooting,


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PKF Puppy, "The 40D is a kickass rig and dances circles around the 20D in most ways..."


And the 40D compared to the 10D, the 10D is exactly like a pinhole camera from the stone age!


In fact only two current EOS really trump the 40D: the 5D (barely, and there are many things about the 40D that are much better than the 5D) and the 1DM3. I don't mention the 1DsM2 because it's already rather old tech. The 1DsM3 is still 2 months away from anyone's hands.

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