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How do you show off your photos

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OK now I have my recent photos in lightroom,located in a collection. Looks great

on the slideshow but how do I show them now to other people. I don't have a lap

top yet so I can't hook up to a TV. What I have done before is tranfer my photos

to i-photo and then to i-move and make a slide show there- must be an easier way

to burn/copy the slideshow in lightroom so I can take it with me and show off my

photo's in someones DVD player. Please yet me know what you do to show others

your work.


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Mendel-I agree-I have a lot of my favorite photos hanging on my wall-maybe I didn't make myself clear I have 135 phortos I just took when I was in Prague and I want to show my SLIDE-SHOW of these photos to others. I don't want to take these photos and print 135 4x6 prints or hang them on the wall ): I want to find out how others replicate the slide show you make in lightroom to show not on my computeer but burn a disc so I can give it to others to watch on there dvd player
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If you want to see them on a TV, and want to take the player with you, and don't want to hassle with iPhoto, iMovie, and iDVD, just copy the images to an Epson P-3000/5000 image viewer. You can view them (individually or as a slide show) on the Epson's screen or connect it to a TV via a more-or-less standard cable (not supplied but easily obtained). Other photo storage devices might have a similar capability. The Epson is, of course, also good for backing up cards in the field, which is its main purpose. Show movies, too... great for plane trips. Details at http://basepath.com/index-real.php?url=blogentry/2007-03-10.htm.



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You can just copy to a DVD, since most players nowadays can slide show the images.


However, for quality, you will like to produce a film using some software. I use Magix Photos on CD, but this is Windows. Really great zoom around and pan in images.

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Yes, an automated DVD slideshow really doesn't do your images any justice, iDVD's slideshow

rendering degrades the image horrendously to conform to the DVD format. I've tried, never

again. If you were to make a DVD, I think Rene's suggestion is better, you'll have more

control of the quality.


Does your some camera have a slideshow function? Some do, via an RCA cable or the like.

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Rene what would work on a Mac? Isn't iMovie simular to magic photo? Marc your idea is simple and would give me a back up to use in the field's it is just a little pricy. I was just hoping to just burn what I made in lightroom-this getting way to complicated :)
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>>> Paul, if your goal is to drive a TV, you could put a collection on an iPod, which can

drive a TV directly. The iPod has built-in sequencing, similar to a slide show.<P>


<a href= "http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore?

productLearnMore=MB129LL/A">And here's the cable</a> you'll need. There's also a

version for component video.

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You might try something like this product from Inoi: <a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822173057">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822173057</a>

<p />

It's basically an external hard drive that has software and A/V outputs for playing back media files (it also has a remote control). My father bought one for similar reasons (to show photos on a TV) and seems to like it, though I haven't checked it out myself yet. I don't think it can handle RAW files, though, if that's a requirement.

<p />

Hope this helps. :)

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Spencer-my photos are in raw (: but the iPod sounds interesting. I assume depending on the

size of the iPod my raw will fit. I had planned to get a laptop for work-I assume this would

work even nicer with a TV.

Brad I guess using a TV sounds the best to me. I just wanted to sit around with family and

friends and show my photos and I was curious how other photonet members showed there


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I've been using "ProShow Gold" for over a couple years now to build shows for friends/family and have been very satisfied. DVDs can be burned to play on TV using a standard DVD player or executable files for PC play back. Choices of backgrounds and transitions are very flexible...and easy to use for complete control of how your images will be displayed. What's nice is that just about everyone owns a DVD player so there's nothing to haul around...like I used to with a slide projector.
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  • 2 weeks later...
No Magix won't work on Mac. I do not know about a similar program for Mac. The trick is that you zoom and pan in your images. This makes for a much better viewing experience than a still image on TV. Have a look at their homepage for an example. But it requires a lot of work to set up the film, especially if you want to do it nicely. Moreover, even a fast computer takes hours to compute and burn the DVD. Though it does a backup along with the film, it is not a backup solution.
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