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Kodak EliteColor 400/UltraMax 400

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<p>The autumn has just started in Poland, bringing again those beautiful colors.

Now I am looking for a film that would render them best. Slides are out of

question - I have never had any luck with them.</p>

<p>I've been browsing pictures made with 400UC and I really do like the color

rendition this film features (check out <a

href="http://abqstyle.com/flowers/">Flowers of Albquerque</a> which I've came

across reading <a

href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00Dhmm">this</a> thread).

It seems, however, that 400UC isn't available in Poland.</p>

<p>I tried to find a film with similar color rendition. Would <a

href="http://42.pl/u/uGC_KodakUltraMax">Kodak UltraMax</a> do? How about <a

href="http://42.pl/u/uGD_KodakEliteColor">Kodak EliteColor</a>? It looks to me

as Kodak was selling its product under different names in different countries

and I was never able to follow it with a full comprehension.</p>

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Kodak Ultra Color 400UC Color Negative Film appears to be the same as Kodak Elite Color 400, just the film is branded as Ultra Color in North America and as Elite Color in Europe. There may be minor differences (I don't know) as Kodak may have localised the emulsions to tune them for the different markets, but they should be reasonably close.


I believe Ultra Max 400 is a completely different emulsion though.

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