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Buying a digital point and shoot for my girlfriend


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Hi. Like the topic says I'm looking for a point and shoot for the lovely Susan.

She's not too fussy, not looking for a lot of manual control, but she would

like something that would equal her old Canon 3.1mp. She now uses a Canon T 70

I gave her but she would like another (new) digital for vacation and family

snaps. Her old one took a swim during a kayaking trip. It should slip into a

shirt pocket and a zoom would be nice. Black and white and some video

capability are two points she has mentioned.


I thought I would solicit suggestions as I'm more a film guy at the moment

and don't have much experience with modern point and shoots in any case. No

prejudice or ax to grind just don't have the budget to replace the FD equipment

and would be happy with nothing less. Much of my shopping just leads to more

questions. Oh, and I have a budget of $250-$300. I'd like to stay to the low

end of that of course but as with most of my budgets that's a target and I'll

probably spend a bit more. Thanks in advance for any and all help.

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I am a huge, and I mean huge fan of the Panasonics with the Leica lenses. The one I use now is the DMC-TZ3. It's just flat out fantastic.


Some people complain about the high noise at higher ISOs but Noise Ninja fixes that. It has a 10X lens and I forget how many megapixels.

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<< ... should slip into a shirt pocket ...>><P>


In addition to the SD1000 that Rob mentioned, I'd consider the Canon SD750. <p>


<a href=http://www.dpreview.com/news/0702/07022202canonsd750sd1000.asp>Both are pictured and described here</a>, the SD750 on top and SD1000 below.<p>


They're easy to use and can take very good pictures.

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Done the work for you :)


on dpreview.com there is a compare side by side feature, I plugged in all four cameras mentioned so far in this thread and here is the link




I bought the Nikon Coolpix s10 and am very pleased with it.





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Hello again,


Thanks one and all for the input. I'll be doing my research over the next couple of weeks before I make a decision.

Leonard you are a prince among men. Thanks for the intro to dpreviews comparision feature.

Kevin, no joke about the prices. I think I sell more fd gear to the UK than here.

Carl, good point and I've got it covered. Any time we're out and I have a chance to fondle new dslrs I watch what she is fondling in the point and shoots.


Again guys thanks so much for the input.


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