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How to start a website

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I come from a very small state in India. I would like to start a photography

club for the handful of photographers there and would like to have a website

where we will share our images, ideas etc.


Just like this site but I don't expect the number of members to exceed 10!

(dont laugh please)


Where do we start ? Buying a domain to host our site ? Please advise.

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The easiest way, if you want it to be your own site, is to choose a name, see if the name is free, and then register the domain name and buy the hosting package. You could maybe look somewhere like http://www.freevirtualservers.com/ for domain name registration and cheap hosting. You can build the site using something like "Sitespinner" which is a "what you see is what you get" web site building tool - you don't need to know HTML or anything as that is done for you in Sitespinner. And once you have set it up you will find that you can also set up PHPBB bulletin boards/forums really easily under your domain name. And of course once the forum board is set up you can add galleries and talk to your friends in your club.
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I wrote a short series of articles on this which you can read <a href="http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/tutorials/website/planning_website.html">HERE</a>.


I don't know much about Indian ISPs etc., but I think it will still be relevant. It can be done quite inexpensively using free software, and there's no reason you can't have it hosted anywhere in the world, including the USA if the deals you can get on webspace are better here than in your home country.

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