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softbox for alienbees


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okay, I am reading threads and have had phone conversations with alienbees and

calumet to try to get my ducks in a row. My understanding is that a calumet

softbox is the best for alienbees lighting. in addition to the box, I will need

a flash head adapter ring from calumet. do I also need a universal speedring?

or is that the same thing? has someone out there been down this road? any tips?

recommendations? alternate setups? thank you in advance...I need a box for the


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I don't think you need the Super Pro -- any of the Chimeras produce great light, are very well built and are good value for the money.


But today I saw that they have two package deals for still photographers now that are advertised in Photo District News -- The Professional Light Bank Kit: a 24x32" Small, a 36x48' Medium a 9x36" strip light -- in either Super PRO silver or Super PRO white.

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chimera certainly has a good reputation... I have had good luck with photoflex softboxes as well. They may be slightly inferior and slightly cheaper than chimera if I am not mistaken, but they seem pretty good to me.


In any case, the flash head adapter and speedring are probably the same thing. They typically run $40-$50, I think, and provide the base for the rods of the softbox and a piece to connect to the light... For the money, the Alien Bee version is pretty good, but I would stay away from their softboxes in general.


Here are three links for speedrings that would work:

http://alienbees.com/softboxes.html (see the last item on the page)




































here is a link for the one I use:

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Good question Tiffany, I'm in the same boat as you.


I'd like to know if other softboxes are really that much better than ABs stuff? I know some people swear by Chimera, Photoflex, etc.

Then there are the die hard AB users that swear by the AB stuff.

I understand brand loyalty, so I take that into consideration.


But all in all, are companies like Chimera, Photoflex, etc, making that much of a better softbox?

Isn't it just fabric and a box?


Still undecided which way to go here.

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"But all in all, are companies like Chimera, Photoflex, etc, making that much of a better softbox? Isn't it just fabric and a box?"


Much depends on the materials used and how well they are sewn together. These for me, justify the additional price of the Chimera over the cheaper knock offs including Photoflex, as the Chimeras, in my experience as a working photographer who both owns and rents gear, and as a teacher at commercial art schools, hold up over time better

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So now the question is, white or silver interior?

I would think silver would be good as you still have the white fabric over the front of the softbox right?

Whereas with a white interior plus a white front will seem to me have a greater loss of light?

Since silver reflects better than white would?


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One more thought... One of the biggest benefit of the photoflex softboxes that I have is the velcro corners that hold the rods in place on the softbox.


The AB softboxes, last I heard, still did not have that feature. I have seen a bunch of softboxes that have had the corners rip... thats where they fail usually, and the velcro corners help that problem immensly, as well as make disassembly a breeze. I think chimera has those same (or similar) corners, but I would avoid anything that doesnt. Ellis is right about material and constuction, though, and to me the AB softbox material and cunstruction is far worse than the others mentioned.


As far as white or silver interior, I find the differece hard to explain. I would look at photoflex's website, or google others, where they show the lighting effects of different modifers in photographs... Its really the best way to judge without having both in front of you.

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