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5d it is!


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Actually, except for the sensor, I'm not that impressed with it. My 15 year old EOS-1 is a nicer camera in almost every way. What is more, the 5D doesn't define me as a photographer the way a Leica, Hasselblad or large format camera would. It is just an OK camera that yields nice files.


My point is only that those who hold off buying it because it lacks some feature found on newer cameras should realize you can only choose from what exists. I would for instance prefer a 5D with better AF, but there is no such camera. So I got the 5D and have thousands files of high (technical) quality that I wouldn't have had if I had waited for the ultimate camera.

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Where in my question does it say 'self indulgent wankers elect my queries as an opportune forum to give it a right old stroking?', didnt think so.<br> <br>

We all like a laugh as much as the next guy, but spare us the assumed superiority trip, its borrrrrrring. Go relabel your gear or watch star trek (again)<br>

Thanks everybody for your assistance.<br>


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I literally don't understand your reply. I hope it's less rude than it sounds.


Perhaps the reason people go OT is that your question is pointless. You are just asking for speculations of when you will be able to get a better deal than here and now. The only real answer is that if you wait a long time you will spend less, and if you chose a disreputable dealer you will spend less.


You are welcome.

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Look out everybody here comes Ulf! Ulf mate i wasn't having a crack at you (i can if you want) you seem like a nice informed chap. I was referring to the smartRs nature of some gear comments tinged with a superiority complex. I know you are a giver mate but If u dont like the question bro dont freakin answer it. Its good to know you're there though Ulf and thanks for looking out for us all.

Cheers S

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