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What is happening to this website?

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Frankly, I think one of the biggest problems on this site is the "circle of friends" members that leave virtually worthless comments and high ratings for each other. "Great job, keep shooting" is about the most critical comment some people leave. Why is this an issue? It makes the rating system useless. Another issue, and I am guilty of this, is a reluctance of members to leave a rating after leaving a fairly honest criticism of a piece. Seems to me, the best way to get some commentary is to post you shots "critique only". The ratings are pretty arbitrary. My composite numbers are much higher than any number of better PN members right now, and the only good reason for that is that my work is less controversial. So...screw it. Shoot what you can, hope for some decent feedback, and if all this is really too upsetting to you, consider an additional hobby. It's just fun, right? (And if anyone of you is a "Wow, that's so clever! 6/6" person, I will personally leave a turd in your mailbox.)
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And really, I don't want to know what's cool about my shots, I want to know how to make them better. I, like many of you, know what I want to do with a shot, but lack the technical prowess to make it happen. Anyone who isn't willing to point out what they think will make a shot work better is, uh, a wuss. Anyone who doesn't want to hear what's wrong with their stuff is here for the wrong reasons. Party at Bowbrick's place, bring Doritos.
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