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developing trix reversal film super 8

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hello i am a filmaker i m developing kodak tri x reversal ...i have several

question to ask..


i use as first developer a paper developer (agfa neutol 1+3) for 10 minutes..


but i have a normal contrast...


how i control the process to increase the constrast? (i know that the first

developer is very important to the processing)


i describe my process :


first 10 minutes (neutol wa 1+3)




bleach 4 minutes (permanganate bleach)




clearing (metabisulfite) 2 minutes




800w 2 minutes for part (no problem this is good)


2d developer as first for 3 minutes


rinse fixing


final rinse


the process is overall very good with a good contrast..i d like to increase the

sharpness and the contrast...






p.s do we have the formula to the tmax first developer to the slide kit?



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In developing negative film, whether movie or still, you can control contrast by overexposing/underdeveloping or underexposing/overdeveloping. That's part of the zone system. But my understanding has always been that this doesn't really work with reversal film (changes apparently get lost somehow when it becomes a positive). The goal is consistent processing, which can be a challenge unto itself, rather than to have any variations in the processing. But if you want experiment, I would shoot a cartridge of a static subject, then do "clip tests." Develop a couple of feet with a longer first developer time, then a couple of feet with a shorter time. Maybe do the same with the second developer and maybe alter and amount of time you expose to the 800W light. Do varous cross combinations. Keep notes, see what gives you the result you like. Or put away the super 8, shoot video and tweak it to the contrast you like on the computer. :)
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