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Canon EOS 30D

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I am curious for any that know or use the camera Canon EOS 30D, how the

performance is. Do you think it is worth getting? I want to take portraits

mainly with the camera. I have an Olympus 500 now. I have not invested into

any lens other than the ones it came with. Before I start paying out all this

money into lens and accesories, I need to feel comfortable with the purchase.

I do not mind saving up and buying the best. I am almost ready to purchase

this canon in hopes of having access to many different lens. Thank you for any


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Just to elaborate on my post, I meant are you looking for performance in low light, speed, autofocus etc. It might also help if we knew what you didn't like about the E-500. Also look into the two systems as a whole, and see which one meets your needs better. Personally, I think the lens might be the problem, not the body. Have you looked into any other Oly lenses?
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Leopold, just use in general. How the overall use is. I am confindent that I can use any camera. However I do not know how well one is over the other. I just need general feedback what might make this camera better than the one I already have. I mentioned I wanted to do mainly portraits. I can always read technical details. However feedback from people that own or have used this camera may help my decision. Thanks
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Yes I have looked into Olympus Lens and they are outrageously expensive and not very many. I still want to have features like spot metering. Very important to me. I think the lens is the most important part of the camera. Sorry didnt see your other post until I had already posted the other one..thanks again
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I tend to disagree that all Olympus lenses are "outrageously expensive". I own both the 14-54 and the 50-200. I challenge you to find either a Nikon or Canon set of two lenses that cover the same range and have the same aperture. As to the camera I have a 500 and find it does what I need it too although I am waiting to see what the new E-3 is going to be like.
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Thats a reasonable price for such a lens. However, being a slow telephoto zoom, its really not ideal for portraits. A fast prime or zoom in the range of 85-135 (35mm equivalent) is generally considered best for portraits. That said, there's not much in the way of that type of lens for the 4/3 mount, which is why switching to Canon may be a good idea. Just remember to look at the lenses more than the body.
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Dear Julie, I have a 30D and i like it a lot. I came from Nikon and it took a bit of time to get used to the different controls and commends (and i'm still working on that). I still think Nikon is more intuitive, but that's just me. Having said that, the 30D is a very good camera and you have access to the entire Canon catalog of lenses (some are good, some are better and some are outstanding; and the prices of course varies accordingly). For the price you may also want to look at the Nikon D200 which is pretty much in the same bracket range and compare. Good luck
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I recently purchased a 30D as my first digital camera. Over many years of film photography, I have used or still use Nikon, Leica, Canon EOS and Mamiya and Pentax medium formats as well as various large format cameras. Of all these cameras, the Canon EOS models have been the easiest for me to use. They have all been comfortable in my hands and all have been capable performers--the Rebel models somewhat less comfortable but still good in performance. I'm not a lens tester by any means and the paper results of test targets mean nothing to me but I consider Canon EF lenses, particularly their standard prime lenses, to be as good as any other brand I've ever used. Since you asked about the 30D in particular, I have found the image quality to be excellent although I have no other results to compare it too. If I have any quarrel with the camera, it is the size of the viewfinder. This is only a minor point. I come from standard 35mm and medium format SLRs with their full-size viewfinders so it is taking some getting used to in looking through an APS sized view. That's a minor quibble, as I said. If possible, try handling the 30D to see how it feels to you. Overall performance-wise, it should be more than satisfactory if you like the way it handles.
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Thank you Lee. I tend to agree with you. I did hold the canon. The guy at the store aloud me to use different lenses as well as take some pics around the store. I finally have my answer. I really do like the way it feels. By all means if anyone else wants to add their thoughts, be my guest. I am just really sold on the canon. Felicisimo, I did look into the fuji. Seems like A nice camera as well. I really just do not know enough about Fuji. Worth looking into. Thanks
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Well, the thing I would do if I am not familiar with a product I am interested to know about is to read the reviews. And I found plenty for Fuji S5 Pro. Here's one of them:<br><br>


<a href="http://www.cameratown.com/reviews/review_listing.cfm/hurl/ID|3355">http://www.cameratown.com/reviews/review_listing.cfm/hurl/ID|3355</a>


Hoping for the best.


Good luck.

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Felicisimo, thanks for the link. I actually did look up and read on it the day you posted your advice. It does look like it leans more twords the portrait world. I guess I meant I havent went and actually looked at them. I like to become familiar with the way it feels in my hand. Scrolling through features and just get an idea. I will keep my eye on it. I do appreciate your suggestion. It is very helpful on my search. Take care
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Julie-Have been a Canon user for years but would not switch to digital until Canon introduced the 10-22 mm USM lens at which time I bought the EOS REbel & this is a great lens.Have moved up to the 30D a year ago & am quite pleased with the results. Believe Canon has a great selection of lenses at all price ranges.But hold on, Canon is introducing the 40D which appears to have some neat features. Regards-Ross
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