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HC 110 H dilution


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Until now, I use the Massive Development Chart times for B dilution regarding my 400 speed films (Fuji

Neopan and Kodak Tri X). I've read on this forum that HC110 using H dilution may be better.


What characteristics would improve if I use the higher dilution? I know the times would be longer and

would be easier to work with since they are too short with B dilution.


Also, there are no times in the MDC for H dilution. Does anyone have starting times for H diultion in

regards to Fuji Neopan 400 and Tri X shot at box speed?


Thanks in advance.

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Personally, I haven't seen too much difference in terms of image quality between the two, but I have used it to lengthen development times of Tri-X at pulled speeds. I am sure others will tell you that you can hold the highlights a bit more with the increased dilution. A good starting point is to double your times for dilution B.
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Thanks for the responses. I was thinking that I should lessen my agitations as well. As the

insructions state invert for 10 seconds initially, then every 30 seconds for 5 seconds, this

may be too much.


Would it be better to agitate every minute or two like Chris' suggestion to not lose detail in

the highlights?

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One other note - I use the exact same time for 125px - so I develop both in the same tank. (I know that wasn't part of your question, but thought i'd add it in case you want to try a roll).


Also, once you try whatever times you decide on, please post your results in a new thread. I'm always looking for new info.




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I use Hc110 at dilution of 1:50 to develop HP5+(ei400)35mm format. Distilled water, 5 reel paterson tank(takes 50 ounces to fill tank)at 68 degrees. Agitation as recommended: 5 sec every 30 seconds for 7 +1/2 minutes. Net zone 1 density of .08, Net zone 5 density of .70, and net density of Zone 8 is 1.25. I believe this dilution is referred to as dilution E.
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I use a lot of HC 110 Dil. H with Neopan 400. I see no real change in Dil B and Dil H negs, just a less critical developing time. As others have said, doubling the dilution B times is a very good starting point.


I've settled on 9 minutes with Neopan 400 shot at e.i. 250-320. 10 minutes is probably good for e.i. 400. Not much difference between 10 and 11 minutes.


Any of the above will get you good printable / scannable negs that you can begin to fine tweak as you go along.

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