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Fujidol E and Microfine devoloping time for Tri-X 400

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I use Microfine for ACROS. There are developing times on the package for the Fuji films. I would find a developing time for both Tri-X and Neopan 400 in a common developer like D-76. If the times are close then I would use that as a starting point and follow the Fuji times listed for Neopan 400. I have read that Microfine is a solvent type developer because it has a lot of sulfite in it. If this is true then using it at full strength with Tri-X might cause some speed loss. For this reason bracketing your exposures will help you learn what film speed rating works with that developer. You can follow the same procedure for Fujidol. I have Super Prodol but I don't know whether I have any Fujidol.
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Fujidol-E is a ascorbic acid-phenidone developer, similar to XTOL. I used it for years and got excellent results. It's sharp (although I think D76 is slightly sharper looking) and very fine grained, clearly finer than D76. No film speed increase, like XTOL, though.



There were some studies of Fujidol-E in comparison with D76 with Neopan 400 and Tri-X published in 'shashin kogyo'('Photo Industry') some years ago. In the main, the same developing times for both developers gave the same results for both films, in terms of speed and contrast. However, the Tri-X used for the above study was the older type, before Kodak 'improved' it. Nonetheless, if you use the published developing times for D76 and Tri-X, you should be close. After all, Fujidol and Fujidol-E were designed to mimic D76. Fujidol-E has a significantly lower pH than D76: 0.80 compared to 0.85 for D76, and this accounts for the finer grain.


Unfortunately, Fuji has discontinued Fujidol-E.


Microfine is a very fine grain developer, with metol as its only developing agent. It is similar to Perceptol and Microdol-X, but a bit more active: developing times tend to be slightly shorter. You'll have to test, but I suggest using the published times for Tri-X and Microdol-X and cutting 10% off as a starting point.


AFAIK, Microfine is still in production.

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