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Got hit with a wammy


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My sister is getting married in 5 weeks I was going as a 2nd shooster now all

of a sudden the main gent is going out of town so I more or less got the job

I'm really not a wedding shooter I'm a nature and street guy All of my gear is

Nikon wich is an FM FG-20 and N2000 with 2 Vivitar 283 flashes varies lenses

Is there anything else I should worry about I really want to do this right for

my sisters sake any info would help Also have 2 Bogen tripods and acouple of

flash brackets P.S great Site

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You might want to browse through











and see what you may expect for answers to the question that has appeared more than a few times on Photo Net.




[Hiring a wedding photographer makes for one neat wedding gift.... And then you can enjoy the wedding, stress free.]

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5 weeks isn't _that_ close. The pro they hired...they got their money back, right? I would think they could find someone to fill in.


The wedding I shot today (geez my shoulder hurts) was booked just 1.5 weeks ago. Hey, it's money :-)




ps-did I say my shoulder hurts? ugh.

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Pop onto www.aljacobs.com, and take a look for "the book" down the left-hand side.


There are only 2 situations where "failure is not an option" in this world - recovering damaged spacecraft with crew aboard, and wedding photography. Being your sister won't cut you any slack if you muck things up - and you're going to have to think on your feet like you never thought possible.


Nature and Street photography isn't anywhere near enough training.


If you haven't shot at least a couiple of weddings as 2nd photographer I think that many will strongly suggest you "pass up" the opportunity.


Sorry :(

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It would be best to consider all the options available to you.


It seems that there are many options which do not make you the Wedding Photographer.


If you do choose to do this gig solo, both you and your Sister should do so with your eyes open, and understanding of the possible outcomes.


I think taking a few days to think it all through, rather than jumping the gun and assuming you have to do this, would be a wise move.



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Jay,<p>You may want to check out my site: <a href="www.ellzeyphotography.com">www.ellzeyphotography.com</a>. You can look through my portfolio (of course) and check out my prices (listed there). I don't know your location, but I travel nationwide. (I have a wedding outside of San Francisco and another in west Texas the same month as yours.) I do know that 5 weeks is Sep 8 and that I have that day open. Anyway, hope to hear from you soon.<p>Regards,<br>Nathan
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Do you really want to photograph your own sister's wedding?


When I was first getting started, I photographed my best friend's wedding -- AND I was her

maid of honor. Worst idea EVER. I didn't get to enjoy the day at all. When I wasn't up on the

stage during her ceremony, I was taking pictures. It sucked.


This is your SISTER, your FAMILY. Let someone else do this job, and you go celebrate with

the people you love.

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I tend to second what the others have said. I photograph weddings full-time and with that said I still have much improving to do.


With that being said, this is your sister's wedding and if I were you, I would rather sit back enjoy, and take in tthe moment instead of being worried about getting the shot. This doesn't mean that you can't take a camera w/ you, it just means that you can actually enjoy taking pics instead of it being a "job".


Thsi past Saturday I photographed a wedding for a good friend of mine that I have known since childhood. He actually wnated me to be in the wedding and or take pics. He ended up hiring me for the pics and he also wanted me to do a reading during the ceremony which I did. It worked out but was a bit stressful.


When I first started out doing wedidngs I would take any wedding I could be it friend, family or stranger. I needed experience and basically did them for free. Now if I have close family member member that wants to use me, I will respectfully decline and just attend the wedding and maybe sneak in a camera;)



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>>> This doesn't mean that you can't take a camera w/ you, it just means that you can actually enjoy taking pics instead of it being a "job". <<<


From personal experience, mentioned here on a previous thread, I think this particular issue is black and white (pun intended).


One is either the photographer and professionally engaged, or is a guest and professionally detached.


As a guest, one may take a camera: as a professional one might decide to work pro bono: but the distinction between the two categories is quite precise, on the day, and IMO is extremely important.


`No thank you` is often difficult to say, especially to a friend or a relation, but often not saying it, causes more stress and heartache, later.



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