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Processor for 8 X 10 C41

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In my area (Tulsa, Oklahoma), there's nary a soul left that processes 8 X 10

C41 anymore - only E6 by dip 'n' dunk with much cajoling.


Considering the purchase of some manner of Jobo equipment to process the film

(both C41 and E6).


Is there anyone out there who uses this equipment? Need a few opinions and

maybe some caveats before purchasing.


Please don't try to talk an stubborn, half-blind old man out of his 8 X 10 -

ain't gonna happen.


Thanks -



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I can't help you find someone to process 8x10 C 41 in Tulsa since I live in Ottawa, Canada. There is one firm here that still does it. I shot my first 8x10 colour neg a few weeks ago and I have to say my jaw fell to the ground when I saw the results. WOW, is it beautiful!!!!! I am a convert.
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