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DA 18-250mm arrived yesterday.


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And it's just lovely! It's got some nice weight to it. Well balanced and I

really like how it doesn't extend on focusing. Focusing can be a bit slow as it

will hunt a little much when changing focus from wide to tele and vice versa.

The zoom feel is actually quite smooth. Some people were complaining of a little

resistance but I didn't notice any.


I can't wait for next weekend when we go for on a winter hike. Only going to

take that and the FA35 f/2.


Also will be trying out the new Lowepro Flipside 200. Sold the Slingshot 300.

Since I won't be taking much supplies in terms of food or snacks, the pack

should be just the right size.

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I am going to need a full report and see some pictures! lol


I have been waiting for as long as I can bear for the price to drop. I am close to having enough "hush" money for this Lens but Dont want to drop it on this lens if I can manage to wait till it drops a few bucks.


something tells me I will have it sooner than laster...lol

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As soon as I get a good opportunity, I will have a small review on both the lens and the flipside pack.


To make a friend jealous tonight, I showed him my K10D w/grip and the 18-250. Took a shot at 18 then took the same shot at 250 and he was in awe. It was in a parking garage with about 8 cars parked framed at wide and then I zoomed in and framed a single wheel for him. He actually tried to shoot at 250 too but was too shaky even with SR. He's forgiven for the time being since he's only had a DSLR for about a month. XTI I believe with the kit lens and 50mm.


The length of the lens amplifies the need to steady yourself, exhale and pause before shooting.

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I'd love to hear your thoughts. Seems like you shoot in similar situations as I do.


However, barring an optical marvel, for me to make a super zoom compromise I'd want 4 things.


1. No slower than 5.6 at full zoom (and no slower than f/4 wide, if not 3.5)


2. I'm willing to accept a shorter super zoom to accomplish #1 as in 20-200 maybe.


3. Must have quick shift or SDM.


4. MUST be weather sealed, this is non negotiable


If it was weather sealed I'd definitely consider it. Afterall, when better to use a super zoom then when you can't change lenses.


Otherwise, a shorter zoom covers most of my needs with faster/better optics and a small enough package.


BTW, I don't even know what the flipside is, but I'm off to check. I personally love the Slingshot 300. It's the perfect urban shooting/urban photo pack. And works pretty well for PJ use. Actually several of the local newspaper photogs use them which is why I decided to give one a go.

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It's pretty nice, I can see the appeal. However, it's basically a backpack which means you have to take it off to access, correct?


However, it solves the one issue I have with the sling shot...ease of access goes 2 ways. On a crowded train someone could open the sling shot and remove your camera quite easily.


or either of the two pouches (but most any backpack has this issue).


I've been trying to figure out a way to secure the camera compartment short of luggage locks which would defeat the cameras accessability.


If I could justify it, this seems perfect, although, so do all 6 other bags I have when I purchased them (and all are perfect until you move outside there intended use).


It's half Flipside, half Slingshot but an actual backpack.



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<i>"However, barring an optical marvel, for me to make a super zoom compromise I'd want 4 things.<br>


1. No slower than 5.6 at full zoom (and no slower than f/4 wide, if not 3.5)<br>


2. I'm willing to accept a shorter super zoom to accomplish #1 as in 20-200 maybe.<br>


3. Must have quick shift or SDM.<br>


4. MUST be weather sealed, this is non negotiable "</i><br><br>


Hey Justin. I made the leap to an all in one super zoom to make traveling more convenient. I'd love to have all 4 of your points but the cost of such a lens would be insane. Look at the current DA* and add your wants. :p<br>


Maybe one day I'll get into the DA*. For now, I'm happy to be an amateur photog that pretends to be more pro than he is.

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No worries. I won't tempt you. I know I will enjoy the use of a super zoom even with the limited speed at the long end.


Well, sold the Slingshot 300 this morning to a guy going on a Safari in Africa. Will get his input on the bag when he gets back. He's much smaller than me so it should fit him much better.


Afterwards, picked up the Flipside 200. I looked at the 300 but it was too bulky just like the slingshot. Basically, it fits the K10D w/grip and 18-250 plus 4 lenses. Plenty of space for some more stuff/junk considering I'll only have one more lens in there.


I have also attach my Manfrotto 680 monopod w/678 folding base and since it's in the middle, makes it very well balanced unlike being on one side.


Also bought the Kata Bags reflex C strap. It is the longest strap that I have found that can carry the camera across my body and still allows me to bring the camera up to my eye to shoot. With the use of a carabiner attached to the strap and the flipsides main carry handle, I can get the weight of the camera off of my neck and onto my shoulders. Very much needed on long hikes.

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