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How much is a Weston Model 650 meter worth?

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Dave M said it right! Co-incidentally I was surfing around for the same info two weeks ago. Apparently they are considered to be

quite well constructed the best of the "non-electronic"

types. However like many of our treasures due to low demand they are no longer a standard service item and those who can or do work on them are few and far between. Unless you have a source to verify the accuracy or you find while comparing it to another meter enough "right answers" then it's only an intersting piece of memoribilia.

I got mine in the early 80s from my neighbor who took it from his granmother's house. I traded him an enlargement I made of his cool car for the meter. A few years later I dropped it circa 1991 and though the case broke (I glued it) I gave it to a shop for repair and

paid about 50,00$. I used it blindly for about a year with all my "classic" camera usage but then after reading so much about old

selenium meters decided it wasn't trustworthy. It has been sleeping in a computer bag for the last 8 years. I took it out about a month ago and tried again to compare it to other meters. I ended up having more questions. Sometimes I think it's more accurate (especially in low light) but othertimes it seems to be too sensitive compared to the Minolta on-board or the Yashica FX on board meters.

Here's a site with info and reference to a restoration/gurantee for circa 100$ (in Holland I think..)


I'd love if other forum members could chip in here. I've read that these meters will deteriorate over time. Are there two types? Are the

Weston types the better and the older (Contax IIIa) types or other

1950s era clip-on meters inferior?

Once again more questions than answers! Keep it Chris and if you find

somewhere to properly test it, you can do classic photography "old school" I'd like that too!

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In the US, Quality Light Metric is the best known repairer of Weston and other selenium meters. I had them install a new cell in my Master V last March for about $80. They also calibrated the meter and guarantee it for six months.


Here's their contact info:


George Milton,

Quality Light Metric Co.,

7095 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 550,

Los Angeles, CA, 90028,

(323) 467-2265

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