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Earning money on theatre events


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Hi everybody,


I am not actually a full time pro but once year a friend of mine who owns a theatre school has a show

for the parents and I take pictures and sell them after the shows.


So the problem is, even the pictures are very well received and generate a lot of interest, I don't actually

earn much money. Or at least not enough to make it really worth while.


So what I do is, I take pictures during rehearsal. Spend a sunday selecting the best ones, making sure

each kid is at least one time on each image.

I then print around 50 shots on 10x8 at home. I use an Olympus P-400 dye sub which has quite nice

photo like quality. And put them into frames, the card board type you can buy at photo supplies.


I then also make contact prints of around 100 images.


On the show date (3 shows, around 100 people each time) I put the contacts on the wall and the

images on a table.

I sell the pictures for 10 pounds (UK) = 15 dollars each plus postage if people order.


So in total I sell maybe 40 images, which is after deducting petrol, 4 days working, and costs not much.


Assuming that the pictures are nice (and honestly they are). What can I do to make a bit more money?

I don't want to become rich but at the moment I would earn more selling newspapers and that doesn't

really support my photography.


I honestly believe I should change the sales pattern.

Should I take only orders to save printing costs?

Offer online sales, even though as I do it only one time a year it sounds a bit too much fuss to do?

Or anything else?


If any of you do events photography let me know if you have any ideas.

Any help would be really appreciated.





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If you want to sell more, print more. And work on building a reputation for having the "must have" shots of each event. Don't print less, the printing costs are a tiny proportion of your outlay, if you include your time. Online sales are simple given that you've done the editing, and so worth doing.


(By the way 10UKP = $20 at the moment.)


Otherwise, you're just discovering that photography doesn't (necessarily) pay very well, and you'll have to decide whether you want to carry on doing it or not!

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