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eBay Azo price gouging


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Came across an interesting auction for a 100 sheet box of Kodak Azo paper. The

boxes I have bought in the past for $80 are not being sold by these jokers for

$210 each. These people are the moral equivalent of folks who sell water to

earthquake victims, water the get from the Red Cross for free. Or the gas

profiteering types after Hurricane Katrina or similar.


Making a profit is one thing but this is akin to racketeering.

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If demand is high the price simply becomes higher.


Easier if one had bought a lot more in the past - with anything hard to find you pay a premium.


No one is forcing you to buy it & if you need clarity concern yourself with housing & food & a safe place to live.


Just don't get them mixed up with what's important in life.

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If your heart is set on purchasing some AZO, then try the new stuff which Michael & Paula are getting manufactured [see AZO Forum]. The anticipated sale prices are reasonable. Or, if you can't wait, then purchase the old AZO, if you can find it. I purchased 6 boxes of 8x10 which have an expiration date of 3/06. I paid about $95 per box from my local photography store (sorry to say it has recently closed its doors due to change in their lease), but I would not part with my AZO for even $210 per box of 100 sheets. As previously stated by others.....the price is what the market will bear...or what others are willing to pay.
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lol, and I'd really like gasoline to sell for what it did 7 years ago. Welcome to reality where goods are traded on basic supply/demand principles and not on subjective interpretations of morality and generosity. AZO is hardly a neccessity for human life so I wouldn't go rushing to write your Congressman.
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What price would be "ok" for the seller of photos or azo not to be labeled a "whore". How does one know what the other person bought the item for; or work/experience it took to make the image? What about a top actor that makes more than some folks make in a lifetime for their 30 minute TV show?
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In the late 1960s I was camping with my parents and brothers somewhere in the West (western US). We were running low on gas and wound up getting it at a station on an Indian (Native American) reservation. The price? 49.9 cents a gallon. We can laugh now with gas being in the $3 per gallon range but at the time I remember my father saying "If they want to rob me they should wear a mask." I have several 150 foot rolls of Technical Pan in my freezer from Kodak's last batch. They're not for sale but when I see a roll on eBay I get a good laugh.
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<i>The boxes I have bought in the past for $80 are not being sold by these jokers for $210 each. These people are the moral equivalent of folks who sell water to earthquake victims . . . </i><P>

If you actually think that having to pay $210 for a box of film instead of $80 has any relationship to earthquake victims paying for water, your own "moral compass" is the one you should be concerned about.

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I'm off topic here but I'd like gasoline to sell for what it did 7 years ago as well but there's

a shortage. So much so that there's a list of gas stations in this country that don't have

any gas to sell. Not Really but wouldn't there be if there was a shortage. I guess they

wouldn't be building new stations every day either.

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Stations are still built because there is money to be made, not because a shortage doesn't exist. lol sorry for going off topic with the gas thing, but like AZO, it seems to be something that people feel they are entitled to a cheap supply of regardless of basic supply/demand issues.
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There's usually a lot of advanced notice when an item is going to be discontinued. It's just a matter of planning ahead and stocking up on the items. I have a deep freeze full of photographic media that I purchased for my own use. I don't forsee any events that might cause me to put some things up for sale, but if it ever happens I'll try to get as much as I can for them. How many times have you seen someone on ebay get a bargain then turn around and resell it immediately at a much higher price?
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If you think that the price of Azo is high, as Vinny said, just wait for the price of gasoline to first hit $6.00/gallon and then $10/gallon. Mark my word - it will happen shortly.


Why? All of the folks that got infatuated with digital convinced the manufacturers of photographic paper that there was no future in it. In business terms, the market was 100% elastic and it went away as it was supposed to. Nobody is forcing you to purchase what comes up at higher prices. Gasoline on the other hand is 100% inelastic and the general public (with the assistance of the New York Times and other head up their behind publications) demonize the petroleum companies and the general public has no willingness to see the bigger picture and nobody is offering no viable solutions about implementing an alternative. It is a slow train wreck and we are all collectively on it.


For those that want to travel to make photographs the challenge of the personal costs will make the current cost of Azo look like penny candy in the bigger picture. Welcome to the brave new world.

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So the definition for a "whore" is:

Pronunciation: 'hor, 'hur

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English hore, from Old English hOre; akin to Old Norse hOra whore, hOrr adulterer, Latin carus dear -- more at CHARITY

1 : a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : PROSTITUTE; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman

2 : a male who engages in sexual acts for money

3 : a venal or unscrupulous person


I guess if I decided to sell 1 box of Kodak High Speed Infrared 4x5 sheet film in pristine condition... for say $250.00 then I could right as long as someone was willing to pay that much for one box any takers lol... If I had the extra cash I would by all 6 of those boxes.... Supply & Demand is the key word(s) here if there is a very small if at all existence of supply left for someone too sell then they can set the price same with all products... hint the gas prices in my area they are $2.87 a gal and thats the cheapest it goes up depending on where your located... If we as consumers want to pay that much for 1 box of photo paper 99% will pay it just because we like the results it gives us.... but I am only 1 consumer whore stating my opinion...

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