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Post your Rollei pictures!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Rich, I had a look at your Flickr postings and I will return the praise. Just beautiful. I

have carried a Rollei TLR for as long as I can remember. I have lost count as to how many I

have had in my life. it seems to me that nothing give better photographic quality in such a

small package. Using the Panorama head changed the way I approached photography as a

whole. Being able to relate all the things you see and feel as you are just standing and

looking was really a gift. Having a way to expand the square without leaving that shape

behind has opened so many new ways to look at the world around me.

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Hello Ari, I much prefer using the newer version of the rollei panorama head with the rolleifix.

It is really important to have the camera perfectly leveled and the rollei panorama head levels

on the same plane as the rotation point. The rollei panorama head is divided perfectly for use

with the 80mm lens. If you are using a TLR with the 75mm lens you will have a little more

overlap. I also use a Bogen VR head with the Tele-Rollei camera. This also works great.

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Ari, Both old and new versions of the panorama head are spaced the same. The new version

allows you to pan in both directions. The older version does not. The newer version is far

better in actual use. Give it a try! A Rollei graduted yellow filter is also very handy to have for

distant views in panorama.

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