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95% of my pictures come from 10% of my gear...

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<P>I think these usage percentages are pure guesswork with no hard data to back them up. Certainly in my case I couldn't even do the guesswork because I don't know exactly how many cameras and lenses I've got. I know I use some pieces of gear more than others, but that's not surprising.</P><P>Over the years I've bought cameras because I liked them, because I needed them, or because it was a bargain I couldn't pass by. And with lenses I've bought them specifically for a job I needed to do, but they might then sit there unused for a long time. And I just know if I sell one I'll need it again the next week...</P>
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I find that I can carry 2 bodies and 5 lenses if all the lenses are F2 and above because the glass is small and light in the Leica system. In my view is all about how you see your subject some of us like certain lenses because we can compose better with them. We unconsciously gravitate to using the tried and true rather than changing our point of view by using other lenses. Like to cover my bases from 21; 25; 35; 50 and 90mm lenses all no faster than F2. With todays film this gives me shallow dof when I need it and compact size so I can carry it all in a compact camera bag. I know some will say F2 is too slow for night or indoors in low light. I agree but if this is where I am going I take an slr with a f1.2 lens and a speedlight which is less than 5 percent of the time.
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Thanks to all for the responses. Maybe some perspective is in order. I have a 105mm Micro that I have not used since the 90's, and both a 75-300 and a 70-300. Either I have to make better purchasing decisions or I have to rotate through items quicker.


Any proceeds will have to go to a scanner so I can "get digital" with my M6 and Xpan. So I suppose in a way I will not be saving any cash, but merely moving it into different equipment. I think that is some of the joy of photography...the next toy.

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Lou you have a nice kit, I have a 25mm to equal at least the Xpan which with the 45mm is like an 24mm but with a different aspect ratio. I wonder what you will be using to scan it since you will need a medium format film scanner to squeeze the most out of the negative. At least their will eventually digital M to go to for digital but lots of M users would fill the 35 to 90 gap with a 50mm. Selling off what you have I guess from a slr system to get a scanner is a smart next move I may be doing the same.
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I agree completely. One of things that amuses me about the big two camera companies in particular is their stress on the huge range of lenses and the high speed of their cameras (10 fps!) when these seem to me to be irrelevant for 90% of photographers. I guess it is much the same as selling cars by talking about how well their cars do on the racetrack.


I personally have lenses from 21-180 for my SLR and 28-135 for the M. I virtually never use the 21mm. But having said this "picture monotony" can set in and a new lens may be just the thing to produce a shot that has a new look for you. This is why I use the 21mm sometimes just to shake it up a bit.


The thing about someone like David Alan Harvey with his love of the 35mm lens is that he is an exception. Just check out the piles of equipment many of those NG guys take on a shoot. Most of the shots end up not being used too of course.

Robin Smith
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I'm selling off a few things now because I realized that my best work (just personal stuff) was shot with one body and one lens. I'm not paring down to one lens, but a much simpler kit in any case.


One 35mm RF body and a 35/40, 50, 75/90 combo should do nicely.

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