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If you can only have one Photoshop magazine?

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I kind of like Darkroom Techniques. It's not a bonafide PS magazine but it does have some interesting articles. It used to be a staunch traditional Darkroom magazine, but had to change suddenly because manufacturers that supported it, started dropping of like flies.
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<p>My choice would be <i>Photoshop Creative</i>. It costs a fortune unless you're lucky enough to live in the UK (which I am not). An overseas subscription is GBP80, but that's still cheaper than buying it (a month late!) at Borders or Barnes & Noble for $15.50 a pop. It's got great step-by-step tutorials, a fun tone, a CD loaded with freebies, and much more. The day it arrives is the highlight of my month!
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I also prefer general purpose photo magazines. Photo Techniques and Digital Photo Pro. These are both bi-monthly?s. Digital Photo Pro is a bit showy and glam looking. But they have really good in depth photoshop articles. One of the best articles I have ever seen on curves was in Digital Photo Pro.
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I agree with Stephen. Photoshop User is a great magazine which you can grow with as you

go from a beginner to an advanced user. I started learning Photoshop on their magazine,

then went to some of their conventions (which, if this is really a passion, is your next step,

particularly the bi-coastal Photoshop World convention). I think you'll find that it's a

magazine made by people who are committed to teaching. Hope that helps.

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