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Breaking into the photography market in New York City

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I'm moving to New York City in a couple of months. I'm excited and scared.


Excited because New York has always seemed to me to be the capital of the world and THE place on the

planet for photography and art.


Scared because there are probably thousands of photographers like me thinking the same thing and

heading to the city. Scared because though it seems like an exciting place, it also seems super cut throat

and competive.


I'm here asking for any advice and suggestions on how to break into the market there. A lot of it depends

on connections, right? Should I take a class? Assist? Intern?


Though I have a lot to learn, I do have some experience. you can check out my website if u want.....http://



sorry if these questions seem silly. I've been living abroad for the past ten years, and though I know it's

time to come back home, i'm a bit freaked out about it. Maybe I shouldn't be moving to such a competive

place like New York, but at the same time.....why not give it a try and see what happens?


Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice you might have!

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To begin, there is no defined "New York Photography Market," but rather, there are scores of markets, and you must pick one or two in which to compete.


If you feel you still need classes, or a job assisting or interning, you MAY not be ready for the Big Apple.


Your best bet might be to get into some ready money shooting, like weddings, events, products, portraits, and the like, unless, of course, you have sufficient capital to support yourself till you get established.


You could consider a less saturated market, but you'd still have the same problems in Albany or Buffalo.


Successful pros are, by definition, capable shooters, born problem solvers, determined, and good business heads.


I'm not saying it can't be done, but the deck is stacked against you.

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