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$19.99 $CND digital at wallys world.

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Well, it may not be news to some, but for me it was a shocker!

There were at least 3 digital cams in bubble wrap

under $50. CND at eally world!

Made in china.

The cheapest they had was $ 20. bucks and the most novel

was a waterproof digital for about $30.00 CND.

Man, watch out, because theres' gonna be big pressure,

and ever more so, to lower costs.

Great for digital but bad for film?

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<P>A related story is the one about Kodak getting out of the low-end digital camera market. They presumably see a blurring of distinctions between their product and junk like the $19.99 WallyWorld cameras, and they don't want to be fighting for market share in that sector. </P><P>I also hear they're getting into camera phones with Motorola, but that's another story. </P>
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I don't have those at my local store, but I picked up a $30 Digitrex DSC-3000. Granted it's $30 refurbished, not new. MSRP isn't on the box. Some reviews I've found online say that it retailed for somewhere between $50-$90 in 2004, so I guess it's just outside the toy range. Maybe my expectations where simply low from having bought stuff slightly higher price ranges earlier. I've been chuckling and talking about it ever since I picked it up. Lens is actually sharp, focused and normal.


Anyway, when I was browsing around online for a toy to try an IR conversion with, I noticed that Canada misses out on a lot of the cheaper toy cameras. It looks like there's quite a bit more in this price range in the US market.

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