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I have run into a problem on the last two rolls of film I have processed. Upon

removing the 35 mm film from the canister the film does its best to unwind and

rewind itself in the opposite direction. I am not sure I explaining this in a

clear and prcise manner. The film I have processed up untill now unrolls from

the canister and loosely sits in the same direction it was rolled unto the

spool. The last two rolls act as if they were rolled in the opposite direction

and when removed from the canister they try to unroll. They are also rolled

very tightly. This makes them very difficult to wind onto the film holder in my

developing tank. I have developed about fifty rolls of this same film from the

same order and have not had this problem until now. I could use some advice on

how to deal with this and hopefully how to prevent it. Thanks Bill

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