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where to rent portable ringflash in nyc?


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I'm shooting an event this coming weekend and am looking for a portable

ringflash setup. The alien bees version looks really cool but I've been unable

to locate a rental shop that carries it. I want to be able to have whatever I

rent attached to the camera and be mobile. Any suggestions? thanks in advance.

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Ellis was being kind -- don't ask for Alien Bees ringflash as you would probably be laughed out of the shop. Profoto is the way to go, and be prepared -- the battery pack is going to weigh a lot. Note that you need to be tethered to the battery pack to use the ringflash.


You should also do some testing prior to the event or you will need to adjust exposures quite a bit depending on how much power you run into the flash. Also test the pack with you as subject so you understand the power of the flash that the ring will put out.



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Actually the Alien Bees ABR-800 works just fine and makes great light, it isn't as powerful as the Profoto or Hensel or Broncolor 1200 watt-secondlights Its an efficient 320 watt-second unit) but for what you seem to want to do it will be powerful enough. Once you find out how expensive it is to rent Profoto, Hensel, Comet or Broncolor Mobil, you may be tempted to just buy the ABR-800 and one of their battery packs.
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