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Elmarit-M 28mm: Measure Your 12536 Shade?

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<p>I know Elmarit shade questions have been discussed previously, but this is a

new twist... I have an Elmarit-M 28mm f2.8, version 2. The shade for that lens

is 12509 (I think that's the number) but that shade is designed for the 21mm

Super Angulon - Not really a good shade for 28mm, provides only minimal shading!</p>

<p>This morning I discovered that the 12536 shade from the version 3 of that

lens should / could fit the version 2, but I haven't been able to find any

specific data on this. It sure looks like it could fit. If you have a 12536

shade, or if you have the Elmarit-M 28mm f2.8 version 3, could you please

measure the diameter and post it here? The magic numbers are:</p>


<li>Lens diameter = 52.3mm

<li>Locking peg to front of lens = ???


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Can't measure it here, but I can tell you mine fits the lens, which takes a 49mm filter. I believe the second version of this lens has a different filter size (48mm perhaps?)


Too bad I don't have my books around right now, but I'm sure someone will reply with the information you need.

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Alright, Jesse... I don't think the 12536 shade will fit your lens. According to Sartorius, the second version of this Elmarit carried the 12501 hood, and its filter size was 48mm or Series VII. You're right in that the 12501 hood <b>also</b> fits the Super Angulon 21/f3.4, but this happens because these lenses have all the same filter size (either 48mm or Series 7 filters). <p>BTW, the 12509 hood was made for the Elmarit R 35/f2.8. <p>One thing, I'd prefer the short shade of a 21mm on my 28mm lens over any longer one, because, after all, you want to prevent flare and protect the lens, and a hood is better than nothing in my book. <p>Take care!
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I have the 3rd Version of the Elmarit-M 28mmF2.8, Made in Canada, uses 49mm filter and ALSO THE 12536 shade. The lens has the two locking pins in the 90 degree position for the shade, in the front of the lens.

Short of buying a dial caliper to measure more accurately, my measurement comes out to roughly 51mm.

I am using B+W 49mm filters on it, if this would help you out.



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Lens manufacturers are somewhat loose in their design of shades, and the crop factor of the M8 has introduced an additional issue into the matter of shade selection. If a shade is totally effective with a 21mm lens it will not be adequate with a 25mm, and so on! It is doubtful if any currently provided shades are designed to specific angles of acceptance, rather they are only approximate. However, for hypothetical reasons let's assume that they are precise. Then just apply the crop factor to the the angle of acceptance of the chosen lens and pick a hood to fit a lens having that reduced acceptance angle. Obviously there will be problems of flange or bezel size and it might be necessary to install a mask in the shade to reduce its coverage. A mask of the 2:3 aspect ratio introduced into a swing-out hood has been a particularly effective way to adapt a shade to the rectangular format.
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